Full Moon in Leo: Horoscopes for the Week of January 18th

Arise by Maria Grønlund


*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week

Monday, January 18th

Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (both at 8 degrees)

A perfect vision of the warrior ready to battle for the dream, vision or ideal that they are willing to lay their life on the line for. Mars in Scorpio is tough, it’s intense, it’s not afraid to get dirty, bloody or deal with difficultly. It does not want to be tempered, tamed or treated with condescension. Mars in Scorpio is strong and can also act like a magnet for drawing out Scorpio themes, especially in regards to our power and how we use, abuse, reclaim or honor it. A trine to Neptune in Pisces has magnificent powers to inspire those around it. A trine from Neptune has tremendous power to intuit what needs doing. A trine from Neptune in Pisces asks us if we can live up to the ideal of compassion in action.

Tuesday, January 19th

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces (both at 18 degrees)

Venus in Sagittarius square Mean Node in Virgo (both at 24 degrees)

Mercury and Chiron team up today to offer some wisdom in regards to how we work with our wounds. Venus square the nodes may offer us insight about a step that we skipped in relationships. The combination can assist us in learning about our contributions to the relationships we are in and how to grow through understanding difficulty instead of remaining stunted in our growth.

Wednesday, January 20th

Sun enters Aquarius

Mercury in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries (both at 16 degrees)

Happy Birthday Aquarius! With the sun changing signs we shift focus from productivity to ingenuity. Take what you’ve got and see how you can use it to revolutionize the systems you are in.

Mercury is now slowing down to station direct. By January 25th this retrograde will have completed its trip. When a planet is about to change direction its significations are said to be stronger. Since Mercury rules communication, we know that right now our words carry extra weight and power, as do our thoughts. Today’s square to Uranus makes Mercury a messenger of shocking news. Perhaps that’s a new and important invention. Perhaps it’s about challenging established sentiments. Perhaps it colors this week with an unexpected twist, one that catches us off guard and possibly engenders communication breakdowns, disagreements or leaves us feeling edgy, even if alive.

One thing is for sure, Mercury ties the Uranus/Pluto square back together for the next 10 days as it bumps up against the two planets right before it stations direct and then does so again once it’s direct. See Friday for more details.

Friday, January 22nd

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (both at 15 degrees)

Here’s the showstopper of the week, besides the full moon of course. Mercury conjoined Pluto plumes the deep, dark crevices of the mind. Pluto is concerned with power, influence, resources and all types of underworld themes. There is nothing subtle about the communications that occur with Mercury conjoin Pluto, especially because its about to station direct in 3 days making yet another conjunction to Pluto (and square to Uranus). In fact Mercury barely leaves Pluto’s side for the next 10 days. That means that whatever area of our chart Capricorn occupies will be up for ample reviews and deep psychological audits.

This aspect is akin to an extraction of what ails us, although sometimes seeing it in broad daylight is a little too much for the conscious mind. The information that often arrives with these transits takes days, weeks, months and maybe years to unpack, process and sort through. Because Mercury will make another conjunction with Pluto next week, it’s a good idea to walk slowly through feelings of grief. The Uranus/Pluto square (which Mercury is igniting) can cause a lot of destruction, can unearth predicaments that unleash primordial feelings and leave us psychologically uprooted. This Mercury retrograde has been loaded with loss for many on global, communal and personal levels. Loss requires us to up our self-care practices and allow ample time to process whatever is present. Loss requires complete dedication to compassion for the self that is being forced to transform, go on and let go of what was.

Mercury is now showing itself as a morning star and is thus exiting the underworld (though doing so with Pluto, the god of the underworld, in tow). This phase of the retrograde cycle is about rebirth, but the process of being born is far from safe and serene. Being reborn requires all we’ve got.

Saturday, January 23rd

Venus enters Capricorn

Full moon in Leo

The sun left Capricorn but now Venus steps in to fill its place. There has been a heavy focus on this area of our charts and there continues to be, what with Mercury’s escapades (see Wednesday and Friday). Venus in Capricorn looks to lock down the potential in partnerships and utilize the merging of energies that occur in relationships.

This full moon is being squared by Mars in Scorpio. A square from Mars in Scorpio is intense and tense. Full moons in Leo can be fun but this full moon in Leo is also full of creative drive, power and performance. Because of the intensity of dialogue possible with Mercury’s moves, it’s highly recommended not to fan the flames of this full moon just to get attention. Get your self-expression game going and pour the energy into an act of self-illumination instead of an act of over-dramatization.


*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. Reading your rising sign gives you an idea of how the astrology is landing in your personal astrology chart. If you don’t know your rising sign, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!

AriesAries & Aries Rising

Big plans. Big ideas. Big news. Big deals. Big responses.

Your career and your public life are being amplified right now. What you say, how you say it and what is said about you takes up a fair amount of your attention. But so too does what you think about what you are doing. You may notice that your thoughts have a more exaggerated influence over the advancement of your projects and career goals right now. You may notice a startling internal resolve that is awakened within you. You can make things happen but/and the things that happen may not be exactly what you had in mind. If you are going to rock the boat it’s most likely that you’ll bear the burden for doing so. If you are going to make a major move or stake a claim in your career, you’ll get noticed but you’ll get noticed for everything you do. As long as you can stand the heat, the fire is all yours to play with.

Saturday’s full moon lights up your creative projects and love affairs. Normally this would be a celebration of all of creation from the playful to the erotic. However something much feistier is at play, thanks to a square from Mars. Again you’re in a situation where passion may reign but the pursuit might leave you feeling more burnt then bodacious. Make sure to temper romantic expectations and to take care of your creative energy by appreciating and honoring it no matter who else does or does not.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.


Taurus copyTaurus & Taurus Rising

This week perfectly sets you up to reinvent your way of thinking about a particular problem that you are wrestling with. There is power in the way that you relate to it. There is some philosophy that would be wise to divest your resources from. Make conscious the beliefs that you have about your role in the world, your role in relationships, your role in romance and make sure that you agree with the sentiments being said about you and by you, because at this point you’re the only one that can flip this script.

With Saturday’s full moon in Leo highlighting your foundations, your roots, and your ancestral heritage, you get to notice what psychological floorboards support you and which trip you up. We can honor our lineage and still be critical of what was passed down to us. Don’t be afraid to hold up the philosophies of your family for a deeper critique. Don’t be afraid of raising your voice in protest, in interest or in support of a different way of looking at a difficulty. Don’t be afraid of shifting your consciousness and freeing yourself from a paradigm where you were never going to be granted your own power. You no longer need to play by the rules that were meant to hold you back or keep you out of the game completely.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Gemini copyGemini & Gemini Rising

Whatever projects you have chosen to work on with others will most likely bring you ample amounts of information to work with this week. They are bound to bring many lessons about how to share your talents, time and energy. They are likely to bring powerful, meaningful and possibly even uncomfortable feelings to the surface. These interactions, projects and possible joint ventures are meant to move you into an understanding of all that gets teased out when you enter collaborations. How you share what you share and how you deal with the whole deal is as important as the end product. Maybe more so. Know that your collaborations and partnerships are powerful playgrounds through which you can garner more self-awareness.

Saturday’s full moon in Leo reveals its light in a part of your chart that has to do with your communications and your daily deeds that must get done. This could amplify the amount of activities that you’re involved in this week, but it also could imply that there is a conversation that you need to have that reveals more than you bargained for, both about yourself and those you are in communication with. Speaking our mind and sharing our thoughts is sometimes an all-consuming endeavor, particularly if we venture into the bad lands of social media. Because the nature of this full moon is somewhat inflammatory, take into consideration that whatever you communicate may not be heard in the way you wish it to be. Take caution then and try to temper the heat with some cool, dry and creative wit.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Cancer copyCancer & Cancer Rising

The way the astrology is set up, your chart has the potential to act like an extractor of all that is difficult, powerful and potentially explosive when it comes to your interactions with others. There isn’t a lot that is subtle, though much subversive reclaiming of your power can occur while you explore what it means to be in relationships with others.

There could be interactions that occur this week that get into issues that are far from simple. There could be conversations this week that entice you into a difficult corner to get out of. There may be communications with others that walk a fine line between powerful sentiments and abuse of one’s power in the context. If so, aim to understand the imbalance. What is the nature of it and how do you play into it, benefit from it or resist perpetuating it? Notice how the dynamics of difficult conversations help you to get a better understanding of imbalance in your life.

What might arise out of charged conversations is an understanding of how you want to show up within the framework of difference, inequity or intensity. You can always choose to model how you wish to be treated by respecting yourself through any and every difficulty that comes your way.

With Saturday’s full moon highlighting your second house of income and inner resources, you’ll be able to see what talents you have developed and how they support you. Focus your attention on believing in the power of your gifts rather than what you perceive you might lack.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Leo copyLeo & Leo Rising

With a full moon in Leo on Saturday, this week’s pressure peaks on your home turf. This brings a focused amount of attention to you, those you are partnering with and the foundations of your relationship. For some this will be about where you hang your hat. For others this will be about the underlying themes of being in partnership. For some of you it can lead to a tension around how to manage your time when it comes to those in your life you want to give all of yours to.

Take a moment for yourself.

Get back to the schedules of self-care that help you to combat the stress of the day to day.   Get back to the practical things that you can do to help yourself remember your power. Get back to the moment-by-moment practices you can partake in that help you to refresh your energy levels and reset your stress markers. Get back to all the things that help you process the information that relationships can offer. Make room for the loves in your life that want to help you burn bright, not burn out your lovely light.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Virgo copyVirgo & Virgo Rising

Grab your notepad and your paintbrushes, your camera and your favorite book of poetry. Duck out the back door and get lost in the lands that remind you that you are a creator, not just a consumer.

Create yourself everyday through the colors you chose to wear, through the way you do your hair, through the ideas, visions and art your surround yourself with. Consume colors. Consume lovers. Consume the contours of the land that surrounds you. Visit the monuments that inspire your inner artist and explore new relationships that can help you to uncover your hidden passions. Explore those that you love and let them do the same with you. Explore your own inner, possibly hidden, resources via the journey that love lends you.

Take time to honor the muses that surround you. Take them in. Take them out. Take them everywhere but for granted. Revel in difficult conversations with romantic partners. Get intimate with the intricacies of intimacy and all that it reveals. Like the fear of losing it. Like the need to control it. Like the desire to run from it for fear of all it is capable of changing in your life.

Spend extra time with the children in your life. See the world through their eyes. See expression through their unselfconscious actions. See yourself as you were and as you can become again, free to imagine how life could be.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Libra copyLibra & Libra Rising

Crowded houses can breed temperamental guests and family members. Since there is a lot going on in the part of your chart that deals with core issues, family concerns and the foundational strengths and weaknesses upon which your life is built, you have good reason to be reviewing the aforementioned. Remember to wear kid gloves and maintain the appropriate patience necessary when trying to understand the nature of these complex and historic issues.

They run deep.

Parsing out the problematic takes time. So much can get missed when we try to see things simplistically. So many misunderstandings take place when we make up our mind before considering the conditions from which the problems arose. So much pain is created simply because of the environment in which it exists.

Create an environment of your choosing. Make your home a place where equality can exist, where freedom of speech is expressed and where dominance is transformed into interdependent power and mutual respect. Make your home into a place of collective celebratory healing and invite those that get you over to get down with you and celebrate Saturday’s full moon in Leo.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Scorpio copyScorpio & Scorpio Rising

There are few things your tribe enjoys more than a little truth serum. This week waters flow with copious amounts of this elixir. You may be able to enjoy thoughtfully deep explorations in many of your conversations. This astrology bodes especially well for investigating the mind through therapeutic means as it allows you to uncover truths that may have been laying in wait for you to discover them. This astrology may require you to make an effort to communicate thoughtfully even if the tone demands that it is profoundly honest. This astrology ask for a rigorous effort to be made on your part when examining your motivations for saying what you do when you do and for understanding what kind of world it may engender. So many of us feel starved for human one-on-one interaction and forget to create meaningful and deep present time conversations. In short, don’t waste the entire week in an online argument. Challenge yourself to take your ideas to the people you share your life with.

Saturday’s full moon finds you celebrated for your efforts in the world at large. It may come at a cost to you personally or may recognize you for efforts that no longer light you up. There will be much that occurs this spring that will have you understanding the nature of what you desire and why. The process will shift your relationship to success and accomplishment. Take note this week of what feels right for you when your efforts are recognized and what feels no longer worth the work.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Sagittarius-2 copySagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

With a willingness to investigate inner resources left untapped you can make major strides this week towards being even more efficiently self-supporting. The key to unlocking these unknown reserves is self-inquiry. Getting the gold and looting the dragon’s lair comes at the steep cost of self-knowledge. It’s worth it but, like anything that is valuable, it isn’t free.

Notice what stories surround your successes and your failures. Notice what messages get delivered to your door that help you uncover a part of your talents that you had long forgotten or had never had the chance to get to know. Notice what images arrive that help you to source out your strength and see your natural inclinations in a new way.

Saturday’s full moon in Leo arrives just in time to remind you of all the things you have yet to learn, all the places that you have yet to go and all of the parts of yourself you still have to get to know. This full moon may give you reason to make a concerted effort towards untying yourself from the things in your psyche that want to hold you back and keep you in a state of suffering instead of on a quest for your liberation.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Capricorn copyCapricorn & Capricorn Rising

The week may have you wondering to a great extent about the nature of your combined efforts with others. Why are you in the partnerships that you are in? Do you get out what you put in? Is it about that? Is there another way to see the efforts that you are making?

Saturday’s full moon wants you to take note of the investments that you have made, see what fruits they are bearing and behold their beauty and their rotten parts. Both are important to take note of. Not every investment is a wise one and not every collaboration will bring about the results you expected. They may in fact bring about a result completely unexpected and yet very welcome.

The rest of this week’s astrology stays centered on your nature, your personality, your identity, your appearance and your body. You may be offered reflections about yourself that help you to appreciate who you are becoming. You may be offered an opportunity to become better acquainted with your own peculiar personality. You may be continuing on a path that helps you to shed the layers of your former lives and therefore embrace this one with a greater gusto.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Aquarius copyAquarius & Aquarius Rising

With the sun’s return to your sign this week there’s a distinct, refreshing note of relief and release. Although there is still much muttering away that goes on behind the scenes and in your unconscious, you get a lift from the mere fact that your birthday becomes you.

So celebrate.

Saturday’s full moon brings you into a possibly abrupt relationship dynamic. You may want to make it one of your birthday resolutions to learn how to deal effectively with divas and disaster queens. You may want to make a habit out of deescalating your nervous system when someone else throws a hissy fit. You may want to make it your mantra this week to use the exterior experiences you’ve been given to better understand your internal reactions. This is your season of renewal. Set yourself on a journey that helps you course correct. This is a time where you get to reap all that you have sewn, understand all you accomplished last year, and get set to build upon it this year.

Leave the unhealthy relationship dynamics in 2015.

You are older, wiser and more able to deal with the intricacies of relationships without having to get caught, twisted and turned inside out over other people’s unprocessed demons. Besides, you’ve still got too much going for you out in the world to get sidetracked or derailed. And with Pallas Athene, the asteroid named after the goddess of wisdom, in your sign you’ve got bright ideas burning a hole in your pocket.

I say spend them.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

Pisces copyPisces & Pisces Rising

Bring your note pad with you to the party. Jot down the interesting things folks spill at the jam sessions. Record the ideas that you develop together. Expect your communications to be loaded with synchronistic situations. Don’t be surprised at the deep twists and turns that they may take. Don’t be afraid of the unearthing that may occur. Don’t be too daunted by the intensity that may arise. Your learning comes through others right now and every social situation you find yourself in is bound to be heavy on the healing.

Saturday’s full moon wants to highlight that which can help you feel better as well. There may be an action that you need to take to help your system work within its limits. A little time off never hurt anyone and by the looks of it there is more than one social situation that wants to entertain you if you get lonely. It’s just that what you crave might be the kind of friend that you can hang with that doesn’t tax your system. If you don’t have those folks around, then equal out your party time with your introspective excursions.

I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits. I’ve also got a meditation for Saturday’s full moon.

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