The South Node
is currently in
is currently in
is currently In
The South Node
is currently in
The South Node
is currently in
The South Node
is currently in
The South Node
is currently in
The South Node
is currently in
On January 11th, the North Node enters idealistic Pisces and the South Node enters detail-oriented Virgo for the first time since 2007 — and they’ll remain here until July 26th, 2026. As a reminder, the lunar nodes are the two points in space where the Moon’s orbit around Earth intersects with the ecliptic (the path that the Sun appears to trace in the sky from our perspective). And eclipses happen whenever New or Full Moons occur near these points. So when the lunar nodes shift signs, their change-making powers course through fresh arenas of our lives, shutting old doors and tugging us toward new goals.
The ancients conceptualized the North Node as the head of a hungry dragon, activating a ravenous appetite wherever it shows up. With the North Node in Pisces for the next 18 months, we’ll experience an upsurge of creativity, empathy, and broad-minded, bighearted imagination in this part of our charts. By contrast, the South Node is the dragon’s tail; it represents releasing, letting go, and catharsis. In Virgo, the South Node will help us ditch any unproductive habits or overanalytical, perfectionist tendencies hemming in our lives.
While the nodes ultimately serve our healing and growth, this evolution isn’t always comfortable. The North Node can provoke us to overdo things, and when it’s in Pisces, we may feel compelled to stretch our emotional, interpersonal, or energetic boundaries. While this increase can lead to stronger inspirations, heightened intuition, and more compassionate encounters, it can also push our limits too far. Think: spiritual bypassing, zoning out, and burning out. As with all matters involving the North Node, discernment and strategic self-restraint are key. When you feel porous, practice vetting the information you absorb and the commitments you make. If something seems delulu or beyond your capacities, permit yourself to say no.
Letting go can also be hard to do. When the South Node is in vigilant Virgo, our nitpicking and problem-solving impulses get turned up. Pay attention to any critical thoughts you direct toward yourself or others. Virgo’s gift is identifying what’s not working and making necessary adjustments. But if you’re judging yourself more harshly than usual, don’t buy into the negative feedback. These inner and outer naysayers may be arising so you can softly witness and understand them. Likewise, if your daily routines or wellness protocols aren’t helping, be flexible in your approach. When you work with the process rather than against it, positive transformation unfolds much more smoothly. Combine functionality and flow for dreamy results.
As the nodes of the Moon sweep through Aries and Libra from July 17th, 2023 – January 11th, 2025, our patterns of catch and release, or hunger and shedding, will ripple through two new areas of our lives.
The lunar nodes are two points in space calculated by the positions of the Sun and Moon in relation to Earth. These points are exactly opposite each other, which is why eclipses happen every six months — when New and Full Moons take place near the North or South Node.
Mythologically, the North Node represents the hungry head of a dragon, bringing a ravenous appetite to the part of the life it touches. The South Node, symbolized by the dragon’s tail, ushers forth release, letting go, and purification.
With the North Node in Aries for the next 18 months, we will see an increase in personal ambition, striving, and focus on the self. By contrast, the South Node in Libra will help us release relationship patterns and beauty conventions that have passed their best-by date. Like the snake swallowing its own tail, the lunar nodes create a feedback loop: even as we shed our most limiting people-pleasing tendencies, we remember that no person is an island. Ideally, our intrapersonal relationships will also support our trail-blazing. And the connections that blow out the torch of our inner sovereignty? Thank you, next!
On January 18th, the hungry North Node of the Moon enters Taurus, while the South Node swipes its dragon tail into Scorpio.
The North Node brings increase, volume, rapaciousness, greed, and striving. The South Node brings surrender, release, giving away, and letting go.
For the past 18 months, the Nodes have been side-winding through Gemini and Sagittarius. With the South Node in Sagittarius, we witnessed a wild decrease in Sagittarian themes, such as flights, tourism, and long-distance travel.
Sagittarius also relates to higher learning and spiritual seeking, which were similarly compromised during the past year and a half. Colleges closed or went online, and in many places, spiritual groups could not meet in the same way.
By contrast, we witnessed an uptick of Gemini themes, such as communication tools and online platforms. We met in digital classrooms and temples over Zoom.
As the North Node slugs into Taurus, we’ll witness an increase of earthly indulgences, as well movements regarding environmental collapse, food production, agricultural technologies, farmers’ rights, Indigenous land stewardship, advances in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and alternative ways to do business.
Wherever Taurus lands in your chart, the following 18 months will bring a period of steadfast building. Whatever hunger begins to awaken will send you on the hunt to generate, stabilize, and cultivate bounty. Just don’t be fooled into thinking that this appetite can be quelled. The North Node stirs the need to strive, but it does not bring about a sense of satiation.
On the other side of the wheel, the South Node in Scorpio will usher in a release of shadows, inner ghosts, mysteries, secrets, and power plays. Where Scorpio lands in your chart, the next 18 months will bring a period of shedding, grieving, and letting go. Whatever you’ve been holding onto unnecessarily: you’ll find the courage now to set it down. Or, you would be well served to.
With the lunar nodes in these signs, the eclipses will land here too. In 2022, the lights of our Sun and Moon will flicker on April 30th, May 15th, October 25th, and November 8th. These are moments to lay low. To let the emotions wash through you. To sleep it off, sweat it out, or scrub it away in a ritual bath. Whatever comes up around these times of the year: be endlessly patient and loving with yourself. That’s the only way to ride it out.
At the end of July, the North Node will conjunct Uranus, the planet of freaks, geeks, and disruption. This combo is loud. It’s electric. It’s frenetic and frenzied. While it’s not an eclipse, it might feel like one, and the same advice applies. Know that this point in the year could be turbulent. It’s a time where we might even feel obsessive about what we’re hungry for. Note for yourself now how satiety feels in your body. You may need the reminder.
Ever wonder why eclipse seasons recur every 6 months? It’s because the nodes of the moon are always 180° from each other, on opposite sides of the zodiac. When the Sun approaches one of the lunar nodes every 6 months, it slots into the perfect geometric relationship to form eclipses during the new and full moons. The (“true”) lunar nodes entered Gemini and Sagittarius in May 2020, and they will remain in this axis until January 18th, 2022. The final eclipse on this axis, before the nodes switch to Taurus and Scorpio, will occur on December 3rd, 2021 in Sagittarius.
Eclipses can bring plot twists in the corner of the chart they fall in. A South Node eclipse (which we’ll experience on December 3rd) can initiate processes of release: the jettisoning or letting go that must occur before we rebuild from sturdier foundations. The North Node eclipse (which we experienced most recently on June 10th, 2021) can bring people, things, or events into our life. Both can be thrilling. Both contain their own dragons.
The following horoscopes invite you to consider how the transiting North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius activate your own patterns of catch and release, or hunger and shedding.
Want to know how the South Node’s movements are impacting this week’s astrology? Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas.