Your affirmation horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
July 12th
7:48 PM PT – New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse at 20° of Cancer
Sun in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn, both at 20°
As the sun and moon line up in opposition to Pluto, they also form a partial eclipse in Cancer. New moons mark times of beginnings, eclipses mark important life events, solar eclipses do both.
In opposition to Pluto this eclipse asks us to drop in. Touch base. Allowing life’s lessons to sink below, connecting you to your core. Allowing feelings to arise. Allowing water to flow from you and to you. This is a time to source nourishment from the cups that overflow with abundance.
Love is a renewable resource.
Pluto is an underworld deity. It strips us of our worldly possessions, asking us to bear witness to the power of what lies beneath our facades. There and only there can we know what true riches are. Pluto’s process is unbearable if we rely too heavily on what props up our ego, but can be incredibly empowering for the parts of us that know who we are and what we are worth no matter the whims of the world. Pluto’s journey is one that we must engage with if we are to be a part of our personal and collective evolution. This eclipse asks us to lay down our defenses and pick up our heart’s most sincere callings. Whatever we do during an eclipse, whatever we proclaim as ours, has extra impact. Stamp your dreams with your intentions and actions and then trust in their process of becoming.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
July 13th
Venus in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn, both at 4°
Venus in Virgo is incredibly hard working in and of itself, but matched with the help of sturdy of Saturn in Capricorn, Venus solidifies our connections, firms up our boundaries, and makes real our creative desires. This is a beautiful transit that assist all pragmatic actions. Structure a little time for creative projects, lovers, and all rituals that remind you of the practicality of living a life of pleasure and love. These deeds please the deities.
July 22nd
Venus in Virgo sextile Jupiter in Scorpio, both at 13°
Venus moves from a helpful trine to Saturn towards an affirming sextile to Jupiter.
Exciting the senses is what these two are good at, making this transit incredibly helpful for connecting with others over what feels mutually magical. Serve your sweet ones all the things they love. Beauty begets more of itself. Bring it forth in all you work on and it will bring you bucket loads of adoration in return.
Sun enters Leo
Welcome Leo Season! Leo is a current and future zodiacal hotspot as it receives an opposition from Mars retrograde while being home to the next Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse on August 11th.
The category is: Diva Realness.
As we move from the emotive waters of Cancer to the phenomenal fire of Leo, all that glitters gets a moment to shine. I’ll be back by July 24th to detail the impacts of Mercury’s next retrograde through Leo (July 25th – August 19th) as well as the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius occurring on July 27th.
July 24th
Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, both at 16°
Here Venus runs into a fog. Unfocused, Venus falls in love with the idea of a persona, place, or thing, rather than getting to know the details of a situation. This transit may heighten our imaginative powers, our anxiety, and our ability to fool ourselves into thinking the best about the worst. Work with today cautiously as much about it can get cloudy and confused.
Aries & Aries Rising
I purge my life of all things that drag me down. That wear me out. That leave me feeling like life is too heavy to transform.
I clear my closets of any uniforms that feel oppressive. Any suits that no longer suit me. Any capes that cover up my curves in shame.
I am here to proclaim my love for the entirety of my figure.
I clear my libraries of any stories passed down to me that do not hold my name in high regard. Any catalogues of failures that frame them as shameful instead of insightful. Any collections of condemnation that halt me from trying new things.
I welcome the empty spaces that this purge creates. I remember that releasing what is burdensome yet familiar is far from comfortable, but completely necessary if I am to grow. I am willing to deepen my relationship to what I need, knowing that I might have to distance myself from those that want my energy but don’t supply me with much support in return. At this point I’d rather rally around my long-term growth than placate my aches and pains with nutrient-lacking doses of immediate gratification.
With Thursday’s eclipse, I commit to tending to my inner world. Watering its landscape. Nourishing my inner-child. Reminding them that they are perfect as is, no lie. Reminding them that their needs are valid, no exceptions. Reminding any part of myself in need that even if family members are incapable of understanding my situation, I am dedicated to making sure that I get to be as fully expressed as possible.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me to consciously partake in the patterns, habits, and routines of my days. I was not born to move through this life half asleep. I know that even when it doesn’t look like it, every single thing that I do adds up. Makes a difference. Makes my life into a work of art to call my own. Makes me part of a process instead of only a pawn in it.
I remember to gather myself. Every morning. As soon as I wake up. I embrace who I am before the world can get in the way. Before others get in-between me and myself. Before my mind can disrupt my being, I let my heart reign supreme. Giving myself the love I need to face the challenges that I must. Giving myself a chance. Giving myself what life might withhold.
Thursday’s eclipse reminds me that my communications leave an unmistakable water mark upon my life. An image that exists in the background of all I do. A feeling evoked. A memory ever present. I honor this by speaking sweetly to myself. Leaving a mark of loving-kindness on my being. Making clear to myself, as much as possible, that I am worthy of the love and kindness I give others. Even when I fight it. Even when I resent the feelings it evokes. Even when I don’t want to believe that I am. I can hold the paradox of knowing I deserve love and not knowing what to do with it when it comes. My heart is big enough for both.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Thursday’s eclipse reminds me of the power of my resources. It reminds me of the magnificence of my inheritances. It validates the impact of all that I have to work with.
I was born with enough beauty to break the world in two. I came here with enough talent to turn everyone on and out. I entered this world with enough energy for it to never see night again. My job is to remember that I have every right to work with what I have been given in the ways that I am called to. My job is to remember that I have every right to love what I inherently possess. My job is to remember that I have every reason to reveal my regal offerings to the world, when and where I choose to.
Thursdays’s eclipse has a long lasting impact on my ability to cultivate the resources I want to be wealthy in. It’s an opportunity to cleanse myself of ideas about my work that get in the way of it working. It’s an opportunity to purge my accounts of bad investments. It’s an opportunity to interrupt the ways in which I might misuse my resources. Instead I take this opportunity to gather what I have to work with, refusing to waste what I can be earning compound interest on.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
I am mine to retrieve. From the past. From all that is an energy drain. From the situations that I mistakenly took as mine to fix.
My life is mine to love, to grieve, to appreciate, and to make peace with.
I allow myself to feel. Emotions. Sensations. The knowing in my gut. The memories in my bones. The aching in my heart. The beauty of each lesson that pain has brought me.
I am transformed by my willingness to feel a thing, without holding onto it. Without having to figure it out. Without having to make sense of it. Without forcing a certain meaning upon it.
My heart is a temple that houses goddesses of grief, deities of destruction, angels of mercy, spiritual salves, pleasure seeking profits and divine interventions. I honor the existence of each of them. Put offerings upon their altars. Put their teachings into all I do. Placing equal value upon them so that I don’t misinterpret the power of any of them.
Thursday’s eclipse reminds me that my influence is magnified at the moment. What I do now has the power to impact my life for many moons to come. How I take care of myself in this moment has long lasting effects. What I put out into the world carries with it every effort I have made towards my own healing. My ability to accept my entire self sets up a dynamic that breaks down barriers I thought were immovable. This little life of mine is far bigger than me.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Leo & Leo Rising
Healing matters. Mine is no more or less important than anyone else’s, but mine is my business to take care of. Thursday’s solar eclipse is my opportunity to set patterns that put my wellness first. Mental health isn’t something that just happens in this world. With too many traumas to keep track of, I know that I need to find places to help me process. Peel back the layers. Relieving myself of the burden of carrying it alone.
We were not meant to live out our lives in isolation. Even though there are times when I need to work through something on my own, I remember that I need to eventually share it with my support systems. Otherwise it has too great of a hold over me. Otherwise it has a tendency to distort its own truth. Otherwise what gets left to fester tends to grow in size.
I curb my fears by keeping connected to others.
Thursday’s solar eclipse is an invitation to tend to what is being germinated in the creative incubators of my inner life. It reminds me that life spends a long time in the dark before it has the form and strength to be fully revealed. What might be only a dream right now needs my protection, love, and support as much as anything that is already a reality.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me of the power of putting myself in the mix. It gets me out on the town. In with the crowds that know how to have my back. Around those that make pleasure a principle.
This moment blesses me. Sends me messages of love. Sends me situations that help me to reclaim my past mistakes as portals that lead me to a deeper understanding of my path. I don’t sleep on the work that is mine to do, but I awaken to the forgiveness that is mine to receive.
May I know that I am worthy of it.
May I know that I am worthy of the gifts that come my way. May I know that receiving them will open me to more. May I remember that I need not hold any of them tightly. May I remember that my job is to let them move through me, ever faithful that what is meant for me comes effortlessly. Ever faithful that even though this world is set up as incredibly unjust, my spiritual blessings cannot be stolen, misplaced, or given away. There are some things that cannot be taken from me, and that is where I place my focus, faith, and trust.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Libra & Libra Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse upholds all efforts I put towards my professional goals. It amplifies the power of my efforts. Sets up a pattern that will play out over the course of the next year. The actions that I take now have a significant impact on the ways in which things unfold in my career.
I align myself with how I wish to unfold professionally.
I love myself enough to focus on the work that I want to put forth in the world. I love myself enough to let the world know what I am capable of. I love myself enough to make mistakes, make mayhem, and make magic in public.
I don’t want to be perfect. I want to be growing.
Transformations are messy. I willing to show up as is. In-between. In process. In a stage of my evolution that is necessary for the growth of all I am working on. I know that the more I enjoy the journey the more I will learn from it. Be blessed by it. Be able to pay those blessings forward. I honor Thursday’s solar eclipse by refusing to make any more excuses as to why I can’t do the things I dream of, and to instead redirect that energy towards manifesting each and every fantasy into a lived reality.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me that whatever journey I choose needs to be the one that I care the most about. These roads are wonderful and wearisome. Lovely and lonesome. Lively and long. If I am going to spend the time and energy getting to a destination, it should be the one that stirs my soul. Gives me goosebumps. Lifts my spirits. Lets my hair down. Gives me reasons to make it through the harder seasons. This journey is a spiritual experience, but it takes every bit of worldly effort that I can muster. It takes every day lived as wide awake as possible, it takes every night in as deep a restorative sleep as I can fall into.
Thursday’s eclipse gives me a push in the direction of my choosing. It grounds my path. It asks me to make a conscious decision to be here, because if I’d rather be somewhere else I better make that move before too many moons pass. I remember that I am not here to please the masses. I am not here to scale the heights of others’ expectations. I am here to learn how to love and be loved. To give and be given to. To exchange as much as I can, as honestly as I can, with as much pleasure and joy as I can.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me of the importance of caring for the collaborations in my life. It reminds me that I need to cultivate trust with myself and others through deliberate and dedicated action. Through demonstrating that my health is my wealth. Through honoring the balance of what I give and receive.
I am not here to run myself ragged.
This eclipse reminds me to uproot, interrogate, and deconstruct the beliefs I have inherited that stop me from seeking out sources of wealth to work with.
Those that have what I need also need what I have.
These tides flow both ways and I remember to ask for what I want and desire as well as offering what I have, what I’ll work to develop, and what I know how to do naturally. I am learning a tremendous amount about my ability to heal what used to haunt me. Unlocking vaults filled with talent and potential that I thought I had to hide away from the world. Reclaiming the courage needed to develop the gifts that are mine to give to the world.
Cancer Season has taught me much about my truth and how to tell it, and now that I know more of it, I promise to never shut up about it.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
I have no control over my heart. Its beat is the beginning and end of me. Its longings are the waves that crash upon my shore. Pounding down my rough edges. Saturating my soul with what is worth living for. Dragging my ego under with its incredible currents.
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me that it’s better to know how powerless I am when it comes to love than to pretend that I can contend with it as an equal. Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me to find love in as many relationships as I can. Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me that to make my desire to be loved conscious is transformative in and of itself.
I am not above needing to be needed.
Though I may have to be reminded of it, I need you. I am only half of this equation. I am only as good as I can show up in equal measure for my heart as well as those that give me theirs.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Thursday’s solar eclipse reminds me of the power of showing up for my most important projects. Whatever I begin now sets the tone for many future endeavors. I spend time in the present nurturing what I most want to work on in the future. I make extra effort developing what still fragile, growing, new, but noteworthy.
I know that care is an incredibly powerful currency, the kind I spend liberally on what matters most. Care is attractive. Alluring. All consuming. What I care for piques the curiosity of others. What I direct my care towards captivates the imagination of dream-team collaborations. What I care for creates a vortex of energy that others are inexplicably drawn towards.
With Thursday’s new moon I pour all my love into the work projects that I wish to see more of in the world. So that others might see a way forward. So that those like me see themselves in the world. So that no matter what, I leave this place having opened up more options than what was offered to me.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Creativity heals me. Transforms me. Alchemically altering my being in the best of ways.
This is powerful medicine that I remember to take regularly.
Thursday’s eclipse is an affirmation of it. Reminding me that I have a right to create. To try something new. To make a mess. Make a mockery of straight lines. Make a fool out of my pride. Make whatever I can out of what I have.
Thursday’s eclipse encourages me to make plans to put my projects out in the world. I don’t have to know exactly how this will happen. It doesn’t have to end up as a success. I don’t have to do it for any other reason than I feel like it is what I want, and more importantly, what I need to do at this point.
But the point is, I have to do it.
My creations need my affirmation. My projects need my approval. My dreams need my determination. Whether or not it is easy for me to give them that, I know, deep in my bones, it is my duty to do so. It is also my greatest pleasure and the more of that that I experience, the more I attract those that are joyful to work with, build with, and make beautiful things with. I am dedicated to developing all I can in honor of such sweet pursuits and Thursday’s solar eclipse is the perfect starting point.
I’ve got a reading, guided ritual and meditation for your sign for the solar eclipse in Cancer in A Workshop For Eclipse Season: Part 1.