Lunar Eclipse in Cancer - January 10, 2020

There is no birth without breaking. No staying the same in the process of creation. The being that brings new life forth will be permanently changed and rearranged.

Eclipse Season demands that we are willing to leave with less armor, revealing more of ourselves. Being alive is a messy business. Fully engaging in the process of life and letting go takes and gives everything.

On January 10, at 10:21 AM PT, the lunar eclipse in Cancer arrives. It isn’t subtle. It isn’t for the faint of ego. Preciousness won’t protect you and fragility will betray you. A lunar eclipse in Cancer is emotionally potent. It makes us bare the base, revealing all of our needs that lay below the surface of our everyday lives. We are revealed so that we can witness ourselves in ways we don’t usually get a chance to. So that we may address the tenderest wounds we have. So that we might care about our condition a little bit more.

This lunar eclipse is opposing the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, which are all piled up together in Capricorn. A mere 2 days after this eclipse, Saturn and Pluto will make a once-in-30-year conjunction, ending one cycle and beginning another. How we spend this time is defining. Saturn and Pluto call all the power dynamics, draconian plutocrats, and patriarchal dinosaurs to the floor. Their antics would simply be comedic if they weren’t potentially life-threatening. White-supremacist patriarchy, and its criminal, corrupt system of harm and exclusion, is in its last throes of life. It is on its way out. This is the time, this is the moment, to dismantle it. Thought by thought. Action by action. One act of loving care towards ourselves, and each other, at a time.

We must do the hard work of extricating ourselves from the oppressive systems we live within and from all the ways in which they have infiltrated our systems, interior, and exterior.

Eclipses are pattern setting times. Times of abrupt beginnings and endings. Times when the shadows in our psyches get a chance to be known. Times when our healing is expedited. If we work with it, we can grow in leaps and bounds. In Cancer, this eclipse asks us to care about this moment like it is a portal into everything we’ve ever wanted to manifest.

Because it is.

With Uranus stationing direct at the same time as the lunar eclipse, this moment calls for radical care. It asks us to get loud about what needs attention. It asks us to voice our reaction to the pain we are witnessing or experiencing. It asks us to listen to what needs us and what is being asked of us.

Uranus breaks things. Scheduled programming and finely-tuned plans are no match for this mayhem. Uranus disrupts. It flips the table, flips the switch, and flips a coin on our future. This wheel of fortune is chaotic and exciting, the turbulence knocking things back into place or into a better place than ever before. In this state of disarray, we may be fortunately disarmed and more open to receiving what is coming our way. Rendered vulnerable, less able to control our lives, this time is best spent observing the feelings that arise from the depths and caring for whatever part of us, or our world, will be showing up in need of exactly what we have to give.

Eclipses are well-spent laying a little low. Hanging in the shadows. Cooling off from the heat of life’s relentless pace. It’s the perfect time to give yourself permission to do exactly what you want and need. Without question and with full permission.

For an Eclipse Season reading and ritual specific to your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, and Astrology from Dec 21 – Jan 23.

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