New Moon in Taurus: Horoscopes for the Week of May 11th

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Weekly Astro Pro Tips:

Monday 11 May 2015

Mars enters Gemini aka Them’s fightin’ words

Mars, the aggressive, antagonistic martial artist enters the verbose vicissitudes of the mutable air sign, Gemini. Egging us onto make a mockery of civility, Mars in Gemini can lead us into many a verbal jousting match. Just make sure that you keep it all in good fun because before you know it…

Thursday 14 May 2015

Mars opposes Saturn 

This combination is a difficult one as the two are known as the ones who wreak havoc on our lives in equal but opposite ways. Mars makes us rush in and Saturn stops us in our tracks. When the two come together in a difficult aspect, like an opposition, it can become a pressure cooker for fear, loathing and lingering in toxic tendencies. Use this combination by getting done what can get done and letting the rest, rest. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

Venus trine Neptune

A nice and necessary reprieve from this week’s nonsense. Venus trine Neptune makes healing a whole lot easier. The heart opens to soft praises sung sweetly. Don’t be stingy with your affections.

Sunday 17 May 2015

New moon in Taurus

The Taurus new moon on Sunday, May 17th at 9:13 PM PST is a hefty one. It will be opposing the halting, heavy energy of Saturn. Saturn makes things real and brings us the lessons that we need to master before we move on to the next phase of life. This new moon is an invitation to sit down and sift through the information we have. Mercury, the planet of communication and consideration is also stationing retrograde as the moon renews itself, emphasizing the sentiment to slow your roll.

This new moon asks us to meditate on the obstacles at hand. Saturn brings obstacles, solidifies them, and sees their benefits. Sometimes we need to be held in place. Treadmills train us. Lifting the weighted objects in our path make us stronger. Having to sit and contemplate what we want and why we want it can make us wiser. 

Mercury, especially on the days surrounding its station retrograde (officially occurring on May 18th), invites us to still our movements. Mercury retrograde rejoices in mayhem. Confusing communications and creating kerfuffle. Best not to get caught up in what isn’t and tune into what is. We can worry, fret, fear and denounce our whole life away or we can calm ourselves and consider what is good about the moment at hand. 

One saving grace for this new moon is that Venus, the domicile lord of the moon in Taurus, is in the sign that the moon belongs to, Cancer. There is a mutual benefit here for both planets. They govern connectivity and relating and in these signs they are wanting to do so through stabilizing, building and emotional bonding.

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

AriesAries & Aries Rising

This weeks astrology may have you wanting to belt out a battle cry. Authority figures, especially of academic, religious, spiritual or prophetic cloth might rally your warring ways. People with views that slow progress may frustrate you to no end or tempt you to blow your lid. 

But remember all that self-improvement talk you were proclaiming as your new years intentions? Maybe it was a commitment to being less hostile and more curious. Maybe it was a commitment to being more proactive and less reactive. Maybe it was a commitment to learning new ways to channel your energy so that all your get up and go can get you into the spiritual drivers seat of your life. Maybe it was a commitment to an academically rigorous pursuit that will facilitate a flourishing in your career in the coming years. 

Whatever the marriage that was made, whatever the change of perspective that you had and however that propelled you onto a new course of adventure, this week teases out what may be difficult about such a commitment. This week might frustrate the part of you that isnt willing to work this hard. It might just ask you to stop for a minute and take in the moment. And it might just ask you to turn anger into the fuel you need for your lifes mission and purpose. When in doubt, work hard and dont worry about results or payback. Just use your energy in a productive way. 

Sundays new moon may have you desiring to buy luxurious and splendid things but beware of overspending. Instead try to focus on quenching the real reason for wanting. Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? Can you soothe yourself in ways that are sustainable and long-lasting? Can you give yourself the gift of being truly pampered with love and affection?

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Taurus copyTaurus & Taurus Rising

Under the astrological circumstances that this new moon finds itself in, its much less about moving forward with projects as it is not being afraid to stop and contemplate your course of action. I suggest using the days surrounding it (May 15th-20th especially) for deep meditation and a commitment to checking in with yourself consistently. Use this new moon to turn your awareness inward, remembering that all good things start here. All good things are born out of our relationship to them. All good things can only be experienced by being present for them.

Reorganizing the ways in which you put value on tangible things may become an area of learning for you over the coming weeks. With Mercury going retrograde in the area of your chart that deals with money, property and what you rationalize that you just cant live without. But its a much better time to close your wallet and get real about your finances than it is to give into what you cant afford. 

One thing that you cant afford right now is the luxury of feeling like you arent worthy. Capitalism breeds depression, anxiety, fear and divisions between beings. Our society’s devotion to the almighty dollar creates and maintains more problems than solutions, more sickness than health and more trauma than treatment. Navigating these testy waters will remain a turbulent crossing if you buy into all the hullabaloo. Reclaim your worth by focusing on the wealth of wonder that you have, the overflowing accounts of friendships that you can draw from and the socks and bonds youve created that will last longer than a fancy new car could ever. 

On a practical note, big debts need to be dealt with. Fearing payments wont help you make them and wont magically have them disappear. This relates to debts of financial dealings and debts of the heart. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Gemini copyGemini & Gemini Rising

Stop, drop and slow your roll. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is about to moonwalk back through your sign starting Monday, May 18th. That makes this week one that feels like its slamming on the breaks. Youd be wise to get a head start and make the transition smoother by giving up your need for speed.

Dont worry about projects put on hold. I repeat do not worry. Dont worry about a little lag in energy. Dont worry about opportunities vanishing. If they do its highly likely that they will reemerge. The less personally you take these snafus the more likely they come round again, like a homing pigeon hungry and ready to nest. 

But that isnt all that is conspiring to hold you still. Mars, the burning hot hooligan of the solar system, entering your sign on Monday, May 11th, is challenging Saturn, the devil of denouncement, to a duel of epic proportions. This has you in the hot-seat and leaves little room for your normal tricks of slipping through the cracks with a turn of phrase or well-spun story. 

Its time to pay the piper. 

Or its time you ask for the truth. A reality sets in about your position in intimate partnerships that has you hurling declarations of divorce-but do you really want to hurt them or do you just want to be heard? 

Sunday’s new moon happens in your Twelfth House of very important behind the scenes work and a domain that demands rest and renewal. Take the down times while you can. This year promises you enough hard work, trials and (consequently) well deserved rewards so pit stops are paramount to your success. Take Sunday off and recommit to wellness. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Cancer copyCancer & Cancer Rising

Unconscious fears and unresolved angers that anchor you to past outcomes and uncompromising aspects of yourself tend to create road blocks that arent really there. This week is the perfect time to meditate on why youd possibly let them run amok. There may be no apparent reason for this uprising but monsters need no tempting to bump around in the dark. 

You, however, have every reason to get out your flashlight and investigate these night-frights. 

If you dont they might start to sever ties that bind you to love, passion and progress. If you dont they might just start to undo all the details that youve finally started to get straight. If you dont you might start to feel it was all for naught and nothing much will ever amount to anything at all. 

Dont be that Eeyore.

Any process that helps you to handle your unconscious is worth the time it takes to do it. Any therapy that helps you connect the dots and discover your determination to heal is worth its weight in alchemical gold. Every bit of hard work that you have put into your intimate relationships and joint ventures will be apparent in the coming months. 

Get to work on what you can get to. Dont follow your feelings as if their were telling the truth but do follow them as if they could lead you to it. Peel your onion persistently. 

Sundays new moon occurs in your Eleventh house of friends, groups, hopes and wishes. Normally Id say to make a date and do some planning with your peeps. Do so if you feel it but also know this moon is more contemplative than concerned with forward motion. Be cautious with commitments and give extra room to those in your community. We are all under the same astrological influences and some of us will need more compassion and understanding than others.

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Leo copyLeo & Leo Rising

Some friendships are built to last and some are just built to bridge you to other people, places and opportunities. Not everyone is meant to hang around forever and some situations bring us in and out of connection. 

This week initiates you into a powerful time of reconstructing the conditions, agreements and presumptions that you have with the folks that you are friends with. Some of these might even require a bit of a blow-out, although Im not officially recommending it. But if you dish it you should also prepare to take it. 

However, there is the path of least resistance available to you. You could avoid a confrontation by engaging in a heavy duty dose of self-inquiry or you could treat each bout of ruckus rage that emerges within you as an invitation to get curious about why you might be so angry. It cant all be about the other person. Recognizing the roots of your issues will go a long way towards detangling your feelings and knowing how to proceed.

Sundays new moon is a part of this cautionary tale. Occurring in your Tenth House of career this new start isnt exactly a rush out-of-the-gate kind of beginning. It asks you to weigh the consequences of what you are building in your career, with your reputation and with the ones that help and (hopefully) support you the most. Be mindful of what you are bringing into being. Be cautious about taking shortcuts. Be considerate of the kind of time it takes to bring something magnificent into manifest form. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Virgo copyVirgo & Virgo Rising

I foresee you being some kind of prophet this week so take note of what you dream, divine and causally seem to just *know*. Sundays new moon starts this lunar month with a definitively demanding beginning so take your intuition seriously because denying it at this point could do you serious harm. 

Your ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde on Monday, May 18th. This week will feature many foreshadowing moments of what this retrograde has in store for you. Chief among these subjects is your career, social standing and reputation. There could very well be an aspect of your work that is driving you to want to dismantle every corner of the office. This week is especially aggravating in this area so easy with the criticisms (both internal and external) and take your bitter bemoanings to the therapy couch. 

It wont help you to be leaky and lousy at the office. 

Folks are listening and the timing does not support any aspect of you that is too committed to being a vicious victim. It can however be a great time to review the ways in which you know you need to make a change and then start the strategy to do so in about a month from now. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Libra copyLibra & Libra Rising

For you the upcoming Mercury retrograde, occurring in your Ninth House of travel and foreign, far off places is going to be more of a pilgrimage than a vacation. Pilgrimages require that we dig deep and utilize every little bit of our strength, that we keep our wits about us and that we travel light. The heavy burden of fretting fears will eventually make the journey impossible.

Its time to lighten your load.

The Ninth House also describe the ideas that we ascribe to, the meaning that we make out of things and the ways in which we find faith, hope and possibility. This week may challenge some of those beliefs. Libra is a diplomatic, peace-loving, temperate sign. The clashing of ideas challenges you to find the balance within the discord. This week might also teach you to appreciate the value of learning how to fight. Conflict can catapult us to a new level of self-understanding. Opposition can help us understand our position. There is no need to fear confrontation.

For one thing it teaches us how well we are able to stand by our own side and be our own guide. 

The new moon occurs at the edge of your Eighth House. This is a domain of your chart that can bode well for business ventures with others, utilizing the resources of your various partnerships and beginning the process of merging and commingling. However, this new moon comes with considerable consequences so merge with caution. Only enter partnerships that feel good to your senses and make sense to your gut. Saturday and Sunday are times of deep purging, processing and releasing. Use the dark of the moon to shed the old. Giving ourselves time to fully release the layers is an important part of knowing where and what to do next. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.


Scorpio copyScorpio & Scorpio Rising

Looking down the road I see you coming into a time that is fortunate, bringing all kinds of opportunities for you to expand your sense of self, see the world, feel expansive, shape your career, your reputation and your ability to shine in the world. 


If we want to make the most of the opportunities that come our way it can be very helpful and very wise to spend some time unwinding from what usually has us in bondage. Its fine if we rush into situations saddled with what ails us, but its an entirely different opportunity if we enter into new experiences having untied the knots.

The knots in our stomach, the knots in our heart and the knots in our self-perception. 

This week offers you many experiences that can help you to shed another layer of lies, shed another layer of ego and to remember that there are very few things worth fearing. Working with your anger consciously, getting to work on your psychological complexes and finding constructive ways of managing destructive tendencies are all positive possibilities for the coming days.

Sundays new moon occurs in your Seventh House of intimate and committed partnerships and signals a new opportunity in this domain of your chart. But it isnt a simple union if you do begin one. It comes bearing immediate consequences so partner with those that you feel have your best interests at heart. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Sagittarius-2 copySagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Rejection, aggression and resentment arent comfortable feelings for anyone to hold, but for the sign known for its inclusive capacities it just seems senseless. I could recount the old adage for you that rejection is protection. I could also remind you that if others are cantankerous, oblivious to your feelings or curmudgeonly that its not reflective of you but of their inability to bond at the moment. Theres nothing wrong with asking whats up? to your beloveds but if you get no good answer in return you might just want to let it rest. 

Theres a lot brewing in your house of intimate partnerships. Many agreements to review and plans to reconsider. There are things that you might want to relearn about the ones that you have said yes to. Issues arise that have you reconsidering your position and thats all just part and parcel of the astrology right now. Many facts and fascinating tidbits about your relationships, your partners and your commitments are going to start popping up out of nowhere. Make sure that your bonds are beneficial. If not it might be time to start cutting ties.

Not all partnerships are built to last. 

We change and so do the natures of our agreements. Keep this in mind in regards to this Sundays new moon as it angles to bring you business dealings and profitable proposals in regards to your employment. 

Bear in mind though that this new moon isnt so much get up and go as it is stop drop and roll. Consider what is most important to rework, reimagine and realign with. This is a Taurus new moon. Therefore it teaches us that what we value defines what we make manifest. Dont bother bringing anything into creation right now if it isnt really calling you.  

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Capricorn copyCapricorn & Capricorn Rising

Like running with scissors, dashing about with sharp thoughts and harsh words is a treacherous pastime. Especially this week as most of us are sure to end up halted by a road block or two. Bumps are sure to be had, bruises are sure to show and possibly slow you down in the coming days. Follow the signs and let certain projects and working relationships rest when possibilities for peace seem exhausted. 

Follow your thoughts and notice how much harm they may cause and how much damage they may lead you to. Instead of being directed by the bloodhounds of bad news, see if you can corral the power that lies between your ears to be used for a higher purpose; healing is always a good one to start with. Instead of worrying about who is right and who is not, who should be punished and who is being let off the hook, your mental energy is better used finding solutions for soothing the upsets of your here and now. Focus on moment to moment activities to bring you back into relationship with yourself. 

Sunday’s new moon (and other oncoming astrological events) ask some interesting questions about what you are willing to put up with and what you are willing to gratefully let go of concerning your stance in intimate relationships and love in general. Consequences are immediate no matter the course we choose with this new moon so set yourself up to be on the receiving end of what you’d like to experience. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Aquarius copyAquarius & Aquarius Rising

I suggest honoring Sundays new moon by getting very still, centered and rooted in your body and in your sense of belonging. Though belonging appears to happen from the outside in, its actually the reverse. It doesnt matter who claims us as their kin, until we have found the space to invite the entirety of our being home, we are just wandering around singing for our supper. 

Parents, family and those that we share intimate space with are not always what we want or need them to be. This new moon may highlight just how ill-equipped they are for the job of being your tribe – but one thing is for sure: they are being the very best version of themselves that they can be. 

This new moon might also appear as a situation that is hard or trying for loved ones and family members. You can serve them best by helping how you can but not by trying to fix everything for them. Folks need to be supported in finding their own way to the truth, not having it served to them in our style.  

The week is fraught with formidable exercises in cautious creativity, wondrously hard work and remembering to work hard at being in wonder. It looks like your tank is full of enough fuel to run over your fair share of feelings but this is where the caution comes in. Instead of wasting such energy on franticly eliminating the dangers of digging too deeply, use any aggression, angst or inner turmoil to create a passion project to pour yourself into. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

Pisces copyPisces & Pisces Rising

Finding a balance between our inner life and our outer accomplishments requires an ability to be dynamic. And strategic. We often need to steal moments away from one to do the other. 

At this point in your game it’s important that you don’t loose focus or steam in the work that you have been building, but, good gods it looks like you need to deal with something at home. Be that a deep need for a long nap, a necessary nip and tuck to your abode or a family issue that demands your undivided attention; there is a great benefit to paying attention to the issues that arise here. 

One of the psychological themes that may be running rampant are any family dynamics that leave you feeling raw and wounded. These could be old anger issues, old ways of dealing with fear, or ancient pathways of pain that your people have carried forward. 

Sometimes we open our mouth and the sentiments of our mother fall out. Sometimes we catch our thoughts and they are ones that we used to hear our grandfather ponder. Sometimes we unleash a fury that leaves us convinced that we are momentarily possessed by our entire bloodline. Being human requires that we make mistakes and missteps. This isn’t the end of the world, it’s the journey of becoming conscious.

This week might have you in a bind, requiring you to not escape from a difficult conversation but also not be overcome by outdated family dynamics that you still fall victim to. The best way to honor Sunday’s new moon might very well be to dedicate some time to identifying, naming and committing to becoming conscious of the thought patterns that prevent you from being available for loving, supportive relationships. 

Please join me for another new moon intention setting class. This one-hour recording will be full of astrological insights, practical exercises to anchor your new moon intentions and helpful tips on the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle! This is a pre-recorded call. A link will be sent to you by 8 PM PST on May 16th. The link never expires and you can listen to it whenever you like.

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