*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Tuesday, March 8th
Sun oppose Jupiter
New moon/solar eclipse in Pisces at 5:54 PM PST
Sun Conjunct Chiron
Thursday, March 10th
Mercury conjunct Neptune 9 degrees Pisces
Saturday, March 12th
Venus enters Pisces
This week is all water. With a new moon/solar eclipse in Pisces, the sun conjunct Chiron (the Wounded Healer), Venus moving into Pisces (the sign of her exaltation), and Mercury in Pisces conjoining Neptune (the god/dess of the seas), my advice is to cry when you need to. It’s the only action to take sometimes.
This week is highly creative. Write, read and breathe poetry when you can. It’s something that will help the moment make sense. Paint, draw and devour the art that saves and gives you life. It’s a practical way to make use of this energy. Take photos or go to exhibits of those photographers and filmmakers that make you want to create your own masterpieces. It’s an honest way to use this energy.
We need creative energy right now like never before. Creativity breeds new life. New life is open to new ways of living. New ways of living remind us that we do not need to dwell in the old caves of fear or in the shadows of greed.
This week might also be highly confusing. When we mistake the mirage for the miracle, we are left stranded in a wasteland. When we buy into the anxiety and fear of herd mentality, we risk losing our ability to make informed choices. Stay close to want keeps you grounded, grateful and thoughtful.
Read more about the eclipse and its impact here.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. Reading your rising sign gives you a more specific understanding as to how the astrology is landing in your personal chart. That does not mean that the rising sign is how you should identify or that it is more important than your sun sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Tuesday’s eclipse takes you under. Under the façade of day-to-day life. Under the façade of accomplishment. Under the façade of “getting things done”. Tuesday’s eclipse reveals deeper feelings, deeper motives, and deeper dwellings within you. Tuesday’s eclipse helps you to make headway with projects that you want to get going but that aren’t quite ready for public consumption.
Work behind the scenes.
Work on your dreams in the darkrooms of your day when you can steal away the hours to do so. These next two weeks offer you an exceptional opportunity to set yourself up for your next birthday year. This solar eclipse offers you and exceptional opportunity to wash yourself of the residue of your past lives. Lives you lived while in this body, but lives that have been lived to their fullest and are now no longer necessary.
The ghosts of your past may seem too close for comfort but, if you take a second look, see how little they now energetically hook into you. Notice how much you have healed. Notice how much you have grown. Notice how much more faith you have in your secret hopes and dreams and then see what you can give to them now.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Your healing affects the entire group. Your healing is immediately felt by all who feel you. Your healing directly impacts your community. Your healing supports everyone who supports you. Your healing helps you see future possibilities with greater creativity. Your healing helps to make your visions for what could be, a reality.
Communities need individuals dedicated beyond a shadow of a doubt to their own healing. Healed individuals heal communities. Never feel guilty that you can’t show up for the party if it means that you are getting your healing on. But also, never underestimate the healing effects of showing up for good friends and loved ones.
Tuesday’s eclipse initiates a powerful friendship, the building of a bridge between you and others, or the mending of a fence that had been broken down and left for firewood. Reclaiming old relationships might be a way to work this energy. Repurposing the energy that you used to give out to friends might as well. Giving everything that you’ve got doesn’t make you the bestie that is better that the rest. Giving to yourself what you wish others would give to you, giving to yourself all you give to others and giving only what you actually have to give can make you the best friend that you can be to yourself.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Believe it. Believe in it. Be a guardian of it.
Be the best friend that you can be to your dream. Hug it, hold it, have it by your side. Show up for it in the ways you sometimes feel it doesn’t show up for you. Gather all the business cards, all the websites, and all the facts and data that you can gather from those that have done it for themselves, those that are living out their dream, those that didn’t know if it would work but went ahead and did it anyway.
Gather evidence. Evidence that people in the world do care, do think, do critique, do find the best solution that they can and live out their answer in all that they do. Gather examples of those that take care of themselves while they work on projects that protect life on the planet. Gather the good ones around you. Ask them for career advice. Ask them for letters of recommendation. Ask them questions whose answers will give you inspiration.
Tuesday’s new moon initiates your 10th house of career with a solar eclipse. It wants you to lift your aspirations up and to honor them. It wants you to follow what you find meaningful in all that you do and want to do. It wants you to stop worrying about getting it right and just get to it.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Tuesday’s eclipse speaks to you about where you want to be headed. It asks for adventures. It asks for open roads. It asks to be let out so that it can live out its purpose.
There is a freedom that you may find yourself yearning for. A freedom that you know you can’t find without the balance of your work. A freedom that is shaped by what you are able to commit to. A freedom that informs you about the more pressing components your work in the world.
Tuesday’s eclipse might have a part of you begging for an escape route, while the rest of you wants to dig into the meat of the moment. It might have you questioning your beliefs about an old habit. It might be asking you to see the hard work you have ahead as an invitation to find your own personal freedom within it.
Because our freedom stands on the shoulders of everyone who struggled to attain it, this moment is loaded with meaning about what freedom is to you. Because our freedoms should never be taken for granted, this moment is dripping with the duty you may feel to make the most with what you have been given. Because freedom is never guaranteed, the price that was paid to get us free must be paid forward for future generations.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
As the pressure to create, give birth and manifest your desires builds, Tuesday’s new moon/solar eclipse continues to speak to you about the need to build with others to make your dreams a reality.
This might be a situation that asks a lot from you and of you but one that will also bring so much to you. Notice what you are being asked to release, notice what part of the deal you didn’t bargain for, and what part of the process is more challenging than you might have imagined. Weigh that against what the process is teaching you, what it’s helping you discover about yourself and what it could possibly bring to you.
Be more interested in the process of what you are creating. Listen for the lessons that your future creative children are helping you to learn. Take note of the way the collaboration is healing for you, how it’s helping you to learn something that you never would have chosen on your own. See if you can feel blessed even in the struggle to bring forward your talents, your dreams and your new reality through these partnerships.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
What kind of relationships are you initiating? What kind of relationships are you wanting, needing and nurturing? What can you give to the relationships already present? What are you learning from those you are in partnership with? What have you learned from the relationships that you have lost?
Tuesday’s eclipse is a reminder that you have all that you need. Tuesday’s eclipse reminds you that in order for you to receive what you need from those that you are in partnership with, you also need to give what you have been wanting. What’s your ideal relationship? How are you trying to create it? What are you healing in yourself so that you have room for it? What relationships are helping you to heal so that you can have a more intimate experience of life, love and healthy self-expression?
Alternatively, you may feel at times confused about the nature of your relationship needs. There may be many significant changes within you that have occurred. You may be unrecognizable to yourself in terms of what you now want in relationships. Old habits die hard, but we can be released from them when the time is right. And it is right now. Step out of your old fears about love and not being enough, even if only for a moment. Step out of old paradigms of lacking what it takes to make a relationship work, even if only for a day. Take Tuesday, the new moon/solar eclipse as a day to be on vacation from all the lies that have told you something about being unloveable. Take Tuesday and “make believe” that you are healed enough, worthy enough and ready enough to welcome love into your life and reality.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Tuesday’s eclipse has a cornucopia of healing remedies for you. These healing salves could be applied to your body, any illness you are working with and any old somatic responses you are learning from. Investigate the messages your body sends you. Inquire within. Tend to the wounds, for they hold energy that you can recoup if you give healing a chance.
These healing balms can also be applied to your work, to your projects and to those you might work with. What are you starting that has the possibility to impact communities or individuals in positive ways? What do you dream of beginning that could live beyond you, helping love find its way through your work in the world?
Being a new moon, Tuesday’s eclipse is a powerful time to begin something, but not without an in-depth consideration of what you’d like to initiate. Old ways won’t work here. Follow closely your inner wisdom. Follow closely what you know for sure is yours to do. Follow closely the route that your desire wants to carve out for you. Let some aspect of how you try to “tackle” a project soften. Let some part of your vision dissolve if you find you are holding too rigidly to it. Try not to get swept up in anxiety, fear and feeling ungrounded because of all that needs to get done. This is just the beginning. All you need do is take one step. And then the next.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Creativity comes in waves. This is a big one, ride it while you can. Inspiration comes and goes as it pleases. Try to please it so it stays as long as possible. Muses make a mockery of us when we take ourselves too seriously. Take them seriously and receive their blessings for it.
There is a tension between what you want to build and what wants to dissolve right now. It’s a tricky time to try and hang your hat on something financially solid, for the nature of your work may be shifting and changing. Can you find a way to bottle the creative juice that is raining down on you? Is there a way to recreate your business model so that it has more space for what excites you? Is there a way to incorporate the changes that are taking place into what you are doing instead of fighting the inevitable and hanging on to what you have outgrown? Is there a way that you are hanging on to an idea of an ideal love that is prohibiting you from enjoying what real love is offering?
When something is just a little off it never works as well as when something is right on the money. Notice the things that want to take off, the things that refuse to and the ways in which you might blame yourself for their “failures”. When something doesn’t work, all it means is that you haven’t yet found the specific form that’s right for you, because when you do it goes off without a glitch. Don’t get discouraged if you are still working on finding the perfect fit, with love and/or with money. Use Tuesday’s eclipse to call in what you need and to celebrate what you already have.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
We cannot heal our families. We cannot heal our parents. We cannot heal from what we are not willing to see.
But we can heal from the wounds of our past that plagues us.
Healing isn’t linear. Healing travels in loops and cycles, in patterns and through liminal spaces. Eclipses are liminal spaces. Tuesday’s eclipse can help your healing time travel. Way back. Without much effort. With much ease. All it takes is the desire to separate yourself from the drama of the past, remaining in your own energy and committed to the truth as you understand it.
Notice what you feel guilty about. Notice what you feel you owe your family, parents and kin. Notice what you resent about such debts. Notice which ones you are willing to see yourself as having settled. Ask yourself if you really “owe” something you may not have ever had the power to give. Notice the nature of what you ask of yourself.
We cannot heal our families. We cannot heal our parents. We cannot heal anyone but ourselves and we cannot heal ourselves until we are willing to see the truth about what we really are. And in doing so, we release everyone else from the grips of our guilt, our anger and our shame so that they can, along with us, chose to heal themselves too.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Initiations choose us. Information reveals itself when we are ready for it. We can hear something a million times and yet it won’t sink in until we have cleared our ears, heart and mind enough to receive the wisdom offered. It’s hard to think in new ways, allow new information in or speak to ourselves in sweet tones and tenors until we’ve begun the process of unlearning what has kept us blocked.
Mending our minds from past traumas will eventually lead us to learn new ways of being. Lighter ways. Loving ways. Forgiving ways. Tuesday’s eclipse wants you to unlearn a few things. It is opening up new avenues to run through, new routes to get you to work, new ways to go about your days. But it needs your commitment to your mental health. It is asking for your participation in the emancipation of your mind. It’s asking you to rewrite a story or two.
Cast yourself in the role of Liberated Artist Avenger, Brilliant Poet Heroine or Wise and Wiley Wonder Person. Rewrite your past from that perspective. Write out your present and pontificate how, from this vantage point, you will interact with the future. You’re in a moment that requires you to let go of a great many things. Perpetuating the painful aspects of your story thus far can be one of them.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
It’s never helpful to compare ourselves. Especially when we know that the system is rigged. Especially when we know that there is no such thing as a level playing field. Especially when we know that exceptions don’t make the rules.
It’s never helpful to compare ourselves to those that have more. We all gain and lose at some point in our lives, not equally, but relatively. And while it’s never good to compare our gains with another’s, Tuesday’s eclipse is asking you to take whatever envy you might unwillingly be feeling and turn it into fuel for your creative fire. See what other’s have that you want for your work. Notice what others get done that you wish you could. Notice what hopes and dreams you have for the future that may at some points feel frustratingly far away. Feel into the passion that you have for what you do/want to do and see if you can turn your difficulties into a desire to figure it out.
Since Tuesday’s eclipse happens in your 2nd house of income, finances and what you do to pay the bills, this is a thrilling kick start to the way in which you approach your career, your finances and your way of doing business. Help yourself out by reminding yourself of all of the folks, all of the beings, all of the earthly life and ancestral healing that could occur through the work you are doing and want to be doing. Remind yourself of the higher purpose for all that you do. Remember that earning a living doing work that feeds your soul is about so much more than you, but you have to be motivated by the personal reasons as well as the transpersonal. The whole thing has to line up in order for it to take off.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.
Cosmic eyes are on you. This moment is yours to do with it what you wish. Consequences are on the heals of any action that you take so take the ones you have worked out in your mind’s eye. Keep working on your plans so that your plans can work for you. Keep up the effort so that you can continue seeing results. Keep in the flow so that you can follow what you know.
This is your time to believe unequivocally in your abilities. Not because it’s what you would like to happen, but because with all the work you put in, belief in yourself is what is bound to happen. This eclipse pulls from the newly found ground that you have to stand on. This eclipse highlights the shifts that have occurred in your family, home and within your foundations. This eclipse lets you know that because of all that and through all that this part of your life has taught you recently, you have a reason to live your life out loud and not take your gifts for granted.
Through all of the new relationships that have entered your orbit, or all the new energy that has come in from your most intimate relationships, your life is undergoing a renewal. You are undergoing an overhaul. You’re recreation is no coincidence. Trust in what you are becoming as you take part in growing yourself into all you want to be.
*Please join me for A Healing Guide To Eclipse Season where you will receive a sign specific reading detailing the importance of the upcoming eclipses and a day-by-day guide to the astrology for the lunar cycle from March 8th-April 7th.