Monday, August 21st
Total Solar Eclipse at 28° of Leo at 11.30am PT
Tuesday, August 22nd
Mars in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 21°
Sun enters Virgo
Thursday, August 24th
Venus in Cancer square Uranus in Aries, both at 28°
Friday, August 25th
Saturn stations direct at 21° of Sagittarius
Venus enters Leo
Saturday, August 26th
Mercury and sun make their inferior conjunction at 3° of Virgo
Sunday, August 27th
Jupiter in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 21°
The planets do not play this week. They do not rest. They do not let us get away with anything short of our best.
So bring it.
Use these days like prayers. Like affirmations. Like you are speaking and acting your way into a new chapter of your life. Personally and collectively.
Eclipses are about both shadow and light. Consciousness and unconsciousness. Brilliance and mystery.
None of us is without our shadow material, our unconscious habits and patterns, our specific style of self-undoing. None of us is without our ability to shine brilliantly. To warm the room. To bring awareness to places of ignorance.
During eclipses, we are asked to understand where in our lives we feel eclipsed. What issues we are harboring that tend to eclipse our ability to heal. What wounds rob us of joy and connection. So that we can bring a little bit more awareness to the work we need to do. So that we can be better agents in the process of the world’s healing. So that we can be better agents in our own healing.
The meaning of eclipses do not unfold in one day. They unpack themselves over longer stretches of time. They occur in the same sign over the course of a couple of years, revealing the potency of these portals slowly. This week’s total solar eclipse is one of a cluster occurring in Leo from 2017-2019. It is arguably the most dramatic of all of them and the most visually stunning, but remember that it isn’t the whole story.
We’ll have to live out the rest, in order to truly appreciate its significance.
*This week’s horoscopes are written as affirmations for the solar eclipse and new moon in Leo. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
I take the solar eclipse up on its offer to set new patterns in motion. Patterns that encourage my creativity to flourish. Patterns that remind me how important it is to validate the ways in which I need to express myself. Patterns that provide me with the discipline required to break rules in the most impactful of ways.
I follow the rules long enough to learn how a system works. How a theory works. How a situation is playing out in my life. This week encourages me to break those rules in places that will allow more energy to flow freely. More opportunity to move naturally. More equality to be asserted in my personal relationships and in my world at large.
This week I recommit to the long-term plans that I most long to live out. I recommit to studying the teachings that take me on important journeys. I recommit to teaching what I have learned thus far while remaining committed to learning what I can along the way.
This week I allow myself to get to the heart of the matter in my work projects. I meditate on what they are teaching me. Ask for guidance while serving them to the best of my ability. Remain willing to edit what doesn’t work for them, no matter how much I am personally attached to something. I stay focused on what my work projects need from me so that I can serve them effectively.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
I take the solar eclipse up on its offer to set new patterns in motion. Patterns that encourage me to separate myself out from the family dynamics that swallow me up. Patterns that remind me that family members don’t need me to fix or figure out their lives for them. Patterns that encourage me to plant myself firmly in the ground I am on.
I find new ways to shine in my home-life. I break with traditions that stifle me. I secure myself in the moment, instead of trying to solve problems that are long in the past.
I recommit to the psychological work necessary to unpack the deeper issues that I have inherited. I recommit to doing the reflective work necessary to help myself heal. I recommit to the boundaries that I need to maintain in order to be in reciprocally nurturing relationships.
I am willing to get to the heart of matters that weigh heavy on my heart. My love relationships, past and present, are up for review. Up for healing. Up to be understood on a deeper level. I have the conversations, both with myself and with my loves, that will lead me to the information I need to integrate.
When all else fails this week, I will remember to find joy. I will remember to seek out pleasure. I will remember that kindness, compassion and connection come in a million different forms. To deny any of them is to deny all of them. I allow love in. In all its forms. In all ways and always.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse reminds me that there are ways in which I can clean up my communications. With myself and with those around me. I make sure that if I speak on it, I am willing to back it up with action. Otherwise my energy is wasted like hot air in a desert.
Monday’s eclipse reveals the ways in which I live out my days. It illuminates the little rituals that empower me. It illuminates the routines that take too much of my energy. It asks me to set my days up for maximum efficiency. I joyously remove from my weekly calendar what doesn’t support me in the long-run.
I recommit to the relationship agreements that I have made. I review what I need from partners. I review what they need from me. I asses how well each party’s commitments are being kept and use this information as we proceed. I know that these next couple of months hold important lessons for me and my partners and I committed to showing up for those lessons with honesty and a willingness to compassionately check myself when I fall off track.
I get to the heart of the matter in regards to an issue around home and family. I review what I need from my inner life. I review what I need from a place of rest and recuperation. I review the roots of my original issues and how to heal them in this moment. I honor the reasons why I’ve felt ungrounded in the past so that I can give myself what I need in the present in order to feel grounded, held and at home.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse helps me glimpse the power of my assets. It reveals the uniqueness of my gifts. It reminds me that to develop my talents is a sacred, soulful and spiritual task.
So I do so with reverence and abandon. Joy and precision. Playfulness and diligence.
I know that developing my inner resources also reveals the fear that they will not be enough. That I will not be enough. That no matter how hard I work, I can still fear that it won’t be enough. When these patterns erupt, I remember that I have lost my connection to trust. I have lost my faith in something bigger than me. I have lost my connection to life and all its mystery.
It is not my job to control the outcome of how my work works in the world. I make it a practice to release my expectations of what my work should do so that I can enjoy what it does do.
I remain open to the messages that the week wants to bring me. I remember that trusting the process of my life helps me to relax enough to receive what it wants to bring me. I remember that developing my faith in life takes effort and is a constant practice.
I am a work in progress and I commit to trusting this process.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse reveals my shadow and my light. What feels wrong and what feels right. What I have to work on and how far I have come.
Monday’s eclipse opens up a new chapter of my life. Its pages I have yet to fill. Its themes I have yet to live out. Its thesis I have yet to live up to.
Monday’s eclipse reminds me what is most important to keep close. It helps me to clarify what to hold dear. It helps me to make what is most meaningful to me central to my story line.
What gets in-between me and what I am moving towards becomes less and less interesting. Less and less of a distraction. Less and less of a situation that has any power over me. Monday’s eclipse reminds me that I have the right to change. The right to carve out a new path for myself. The right to manifest my energy in ways that feel the most resonant with me right now.
This week I recommit to channeling my creative energy into the projects that are closest to my heart. I recommit to being a caretaker to my creations. I recommit to building the containers that my desires need in order to take shape.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
This week I remember to say what I mean and mean what I say. I remember to build myself a bridge with my language. I remember to connect myself to solutions with the power of my words. I remember that I undermine myself when I agree to things that don’t agree with me.
This week I work on holding myself accountable with great compassion for my struggle. I know that speaking negatively about myself is a drain on my energy. I know that it drains me of my agency. I know that I have to be both willing and able to witness where I am in order to understand what I can do about it.
I use this week to set myself straight about whatever it is that I face and whatever I need to help myself through it.
Monday’s eclipse is asking me to hold space for the aspects of myself that might not feel like they have the right to take up space. It’s a moment that helps me heal what lives in the shadows. It’s a moment that asks me for great awareness and great care. This eclipse is connected to the issues that lie at the base of my life. It uproots something from the core of my self. As I witness this, I remember that looking upon something with great kindness changes what is being looked at. I commit to connecting with the energy of compassion before forming any opinions about what surfaces for me this week and all weeks.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse reveals my shadow and my light. My desire to do good and the ways in which that might do me and others a disservice. Monday’s eclipse reveals the plague that is the need to people please. Monday’s eclipse makes clear that putting the desires of others before my own won’t help me. Or them.
I am allowed to put myself first. I am allowed to call my energy back from my partners. I am allowed to refocus my attention where I have some power. Over my own situation.
My loved ones will go through tough times, but in no way does that mean it is my job to save them. I can partner with them, finding solutions together. I can bear witness to their struggles. I can reflect their strengths. I can help to clear the way to opportunity, so that it is in equal reach of both of us, and I can let them do the same for me.
When I lose myself in anyone else’s business I remember to get lost in my own instead.
Monday’s eclipse reminds me that it is time to reset the patterns of my social life. To redirect my energy towards the people that know how to respect my reserves of energy. To remind myself of how to place down boundaries with those that don’t. This way I can benefit from the good fortune that comes into my life through my communities without getting overwhelmed.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse reminds me how important it is to pursue what professionally calls me. My calling might be the thing that financially supports me or it might not. Money cannot dictate when I feel most alive and illuminated. Money might be there from the beginning or show up later in the game, but it doesn’t dictate what makes my heart hum.
Monday’s eclipse speeds up the evolution of my professional life. Opens up a new chapter to explore. Opens me up to new ways of understanding the power of my professional passions. The more I honor them, the more I understand them as the gifts they are.
Monday’s eclipse also reveals the shadow that comes up for me professionally. Feelings of incompetence or incompleteness are par for the course right now. Feeling eclipsed by a psychological complex is not unheard of in astrological moments like these, so I take them in stride. Try to not be overly prideful. Try to be humble and willing to develop myself in the ways that my work calls me to.
I recommit to the discipline it takes to build my work into something I can be proud of. I honor the moments it takes to learn a skill. The hours it takes to perfect it. The life time it takes to learn how to implement it well. I have patience with the process while being dedicated to practicing perfection in it.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I am willing to have my world reframed. Willing to be schooled. Willing to be a better student. Because that is the kind of leader I wish to be. One that is humble enough to understand when I am wrong. One that is more interested in being aware of the complexities of issues than being right about something. One that is excited when I realize there is something new for me to learn.
I use this eclipse to reset my commitment to my own growth. Growth that requires my discipline. My honesty. My willingness to clean up my messes.
This week I dedicate ample amounts of time to reorganizing, reviewing and reworking my professional life. This helps me get to the heart of a matter. It helps me get to the root of an issue. It helps me to get clear on the essentials of my business and how to best go about it.
I mind my own business. Mind my own mind. Mind not at all when plans get rerouted. This is a moment that requires a flexible concentration. A determined resilience. An ability to be focused on my destination while being responsive to what the moment needs from me.
Monday’s eclipse confirms the long-terms goals that are worthy of my efforts. It does so through overt displays of affection for them. Dramatic confirmations of their worthiness. Stamps of approval that are undeniable. I take these signs to heart, gathering my courage to pursue the goals that have been cosmically confirmed.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
Monday’s eclipse asks me to honor the energy that I put into all my partnerships. It reveals the collaborations that are contributing to my success. It reveals the collaborations that are in need of a clearing.
All partnerships go through periods of readjustment. I welcome this process. I welcome this clarity. I welcome the chance to redefine my agreements with others.
Monday’s eclipse shines a light on what is working and what needs to be worked on. I am honest with myself about what both are. I give love and appreciation for what I have received from others. I remember to show gratitude for the gifts that folks have brought into my life. I remember that I didn’t get here on my own and in order to get anywhere else in life I need you. So thank you.
I use this week to recommit to releasing what no longer feels resonant with me. I willingly edit the plans that I previously made that now feel out of place. I release any pressure that I feel to stick to a conservative path of progress. I release any preconceived notion that I should know where I am going. Part of living a successful life is aligning ourselves accordingly with the moment. I align myself with the needs of my life here and now.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
I am learning how to accept all of me. Learning how to leave room for the parts of my self that are hard to handle. Hard to own up to. Harder to love.
I am learning how to love the parts of me that didn’t get any love. The parts of me that end up speaking out of turn out of fear of never being heard. The parts of me that end up acting out out of fear of never being witnessed. The parts of me that end up feeling resentful out of fear that nothing will be left for me once everyone else has had an opportunity.
I am learning that it is my responsibility to hold these aspects of myself with great compassion and a firm resolve to call myself on my own issues. I am learning that as I do this it is easier to understand my partners. It is easier to be in relationship to others. It is easier to clarify what is and what is not mine to own up to.
This clarity frees up worlds of energy. Time. Space. The more willing I am to hold my shadows and my light, the more my partners will feel free to do the same for themselves.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.
The entirety of my life is comprised of the modest movements that I make everyday. The tasks completed. The projects that I chip away at hour by hour. All the labor that might go unnoticed. That might be unglamorous. That might be more difficult to honor. That might be undervalued, even by me.
Monday’s eclipse reminds me to value the efforts that I make. It reminds me to refresh my routines so that I can shine within them. It reminds me that one of the easiest ways to self-destruct is to let things pile up unaddressed. Unacknowledged. Unconsciously.
Therefore I use Monday’s eclipse as an opportunity to get honest about what I am putting off. Honest about the chores on my list. Honest about the ones I am not willing to do so that I can make other arrangements. So I can delegate tasks I know I am not prepared to complete. So that I can give myself the option to let go of what is not meant for me and redirect my energy.
This week asks me to recommit to my professional goals, to who am I am growing myself into, to the mark I wish to leave on the world. I remember that all of that is done in the smallest of ways, day by day.
*To understand how tomorrow’s total solar eclipse will affect your sign and how to best work with its energy, please join me for Eclipse Season Part II: A Workshop for the Total Solar Eclipse.