Read your Astrology Guide to the Week of August 8th: a usable and concise toolkit for the week’s upcoming astrology.
How to make the most of this week 🎯 … This week’s Full Moon comes bearing consequences. Preceded by the heft and challenge of Mars square Saturn, this is the moment to refuse whatever drains your energy. Instead of feeding your frustration about what doesn’t work, know that not every battle is yours to wage or win. There’s no soul growth without a bit of discomfort, but there’s no need to pile work on an already full plate. Give yourself a break. Get done what you can. Say “no thank you” to all that isn’t essential.
As the Full Moon ripens in Aquarius on August 11th, choose one small way to honor your limits. With Luna sidled up against Saturn, serving your community may require sobering conversations and some very real boundary setting. This week wants to remind us that what we leave out is just as powerful as what we incorporate. Protect, limit, or refuse anything that gets in the way of well-being.
The breakdown 🔮 …
- August 7th:
- Mars squares Saturn at 12:57 pm PT
- August 8th:
- Venus opposes Pluto at 10:18 pm PT
- August 11th:
- The Sun squares Uranus at 5:53 am PT
- Venus enters Leo at 11:30 am PT
- Mars sextiles Neptune at 2:44 pm PT
- The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs at 6:36 pm PT
- August 14th:
- The Sun opposes Saturn at 10:11 am PT
Tarot card of the week 🃏 … We chose the Six of Swords to honor this space of transition — in our personal lives as well as the collective. This card teaches us to surrender to those who can ferry us to calmer waters. Though we can feel isolated in grief, daunted by the world-building ahead of us, this card prompts us to entrust the waves of change. They will carry us to the exact place we need to be.
With this card, reflect on the last time you journeyed through a life transition. What witnesses, practices, or supports helped you find your way? What can you do to hold space for a loved one moving through a difficult passage?
Affirmation of the week 😌 … I am free to take a break from the fear-mongering of the world — and in my mind. I am so much more than what I fear I might not be.
What to read and listen to 📚 … Your Horoscopes for the Sun in Leo and Mars in Taurus; Your Reading and Guided Meditation for the week.
Read your horoscope to see how this Full Moon in Aquarius will influence your life!
You can find and read more of your horoscopes for the current astrology here!