December 25, 2024
Rethink how you realize your potential. Over the coming day, stay alert to insights that stretch your intellectual elasticity and boost your self-confidence. If you’ve been trying to shift any persistent inner patterns or narratives, now’s the time to double down on your encouraging affirmations. Write them on your mirror. Recite them during your commute. Text them to a friend. Every moment is an opportunity to revise your own hero/ine’s journey when you give yourself permission to wield the pen.
Continue readingDecember 24, 2024
Right now, you’re receiving critical intel about your committed partnerships. Take notes. All your bonds, whether romantic or platonic, are wise teachers. It’s easy to get swept up in the glorious possibilities of a new acquaintance or connection, but accepting each other’s limits and boundaries is mandatory for getting a relationship off the ground. Pay attention to your emotional needs, and be honest with yourself if someone’s not meeting them. There’s no shame in making practical adjustments to address what isn’t working. Reality is where your unions flourish.
Continue readingDecember 23, 2024
You may be at a crossroads in your money matters. Today, identify what needs shedding in this area. Pay special attention to any peer or societal expectations blocking your abundance mindset. It can be tricky to disentangle yourself from others’ opinions about wealth. But getting unknotted is key to owning your desires. So sever ties with any limiting beliefs or connections. When you do, you’ll plug back into your power.
Continue readingDecember 22, 2024
Analyze your relationships with friends, allies, or community members. What people-pleasing tendencies are you ready to ditch? Maybe you’ve been spending all your time and energy on your pals. Or maybe you’ve been nodding through gatherings rather than expressing yourself. Allow yourself to let go. If helpful, you can ritualize this release. Write down what you’d like to surrender and rip up the paper. Or cast a banishing spell while sweeping dust bunnies out the door. When you do, you’ll clear space for more reciprocal connections.
Continue readingDecember 21, 2024
Welcome, Capricorn season. It’s time to scrutinize your goals for your assets and finances. Whether you’re building up your investments, fighting for economic justice, or fully absorbing the simple sweetness of a morning with your pet, honor abundance however it manifests. Your willingness to meet the richness of the present moment strengthens your muscles for both giving and receiving. Map out practical action plans for co-creating and circulating wealth this year. Commit to tapping into bounty, and even more of it will show up for you.
Continue readingDecember 20, 2024
As Sagittarius season wraps up, consider what it’s taught you about yourself and your personal goals. Any roadblocks you’ve encountered have spurred you to clarify your intentions. And detours have shown you the value of winding roads. Not only are they a part of life; they help you tap into your faith in the unknown. So take time to metabolize these lessons. Consciously integrate the gifts of the last few weeks. And remember: No adventure is complete without reflection.
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