Horoscopes for the Sun in Sagittarius, 2021

Read Your Horoscope for the Sun in Sagittarius

All in good fun

From November 21st to December 21st, the Sagittarius Sun sheds spangles of good faith on the contractions of eclipse season. We could certainly use the comic (as well as cosmic) relief — especially after the gauntlet of Scorpio season.

Yule time often connotes hearth fires, candles, shiny baubles and all manner of lights that never go out. The steady hope of a single candle will be our north star as the eclipse waves sweep away everything not serving our wildest flourishing. Sagittarius reminds us of what can never be extinguished: stars, stories, and spontaneous laughter.

Letting go of an old story and a bit of revelry

Though there’s an edge to this holiday season, the archer will help us to smirk into the abyss. Philosophical detachment and the sturdy vessels of myths will help us bear our sorrows well. The Mercury cazimi on November 28th offers a bright patch within the more somber reveries of eclipse season. Invigorated by arrows of fresh insights, we perceive the path out of the cave system.

The last solar eclipse in Sagittarius opens its portal on December 3rd/4th, depending on your timezone. We may want to slip away from the festivities for a quiet meditation with our candle flame. The last 18 months have seen a great unraveling in the part of your chart that contains Sagittarius. Like the snake swallowing its own tail, the cycling loss and hunger of the lunar nodes is endless. However, we approach the threshold of this starry rope twisting through another area of our lives. This, in itself, is cause for celebration and great expectations.

On December 11th/12th, as the Sun squares Neptune, we may finally be seduced by the centaurs’ more debaucherous urges. If there’s a day to escape into fantasy, tell tall tales, and glitter your skin, it’s this one. Enjoy this moment of revelry as Venus descends deeper into the catacombs of Capricorn. Though scraping through the sediment layers of our values, relationships, and beliefs around love is not the most comfortable process, Venus carries a torch and newfound sense of adventure. Just remember: the road in isn’t always the road out.

Your Sun in Sagittarius horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Stephanie Warner.

Aries glyph

Aries & Aries Rising

Venus retrograde continues to explore the boiler rooms of your professional world. The Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius, however, offers the relief of an aerial view. As you dismantle your career for parts, the archer will direct your eyes to the sky. On these loftiest aspirations, you sling some intrepid vocational arrows.

This all ties into a longer period of excavation of your life’s direction. Entire mountain faces have fallen away, and you’ve been asked to master the art of detachment. Precious vocational oil wells have emerged from the rubble as well, waiting to be tapped. Though this process isn’t always comfortable, the career that emerges will align with the private vibration of your soul.

November 28th is an auspicious day for putting out feelers, as the Sun/Mercury conjunction brings lightning flashes of revelation. This cazimi will have philosophical undertones, as you consider tethering your career ambitions to a larger quest for meaning. It’s life, the universe, and everything in between, baby.

The final eclipse in Sagittarius, on December 3rd/4th, sounds the swan song of an unraveling in your wisdom pursuits. As you carve a new life path, this uncertainty around what you want to be when you “grow up” opens the aperture to life’s mysteries.

Trust your inner sage, and the nudges of your dreams, as you bid farewell to this preparatory season. The wisdom you have distilled will be a precious elixir moving forward.

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Taurus glyph

Taurus & Taurus Rising

As the Sun blazes into Sagittarius, warmth will soften the grief you’ve been shouldering. This radiance will not vanquish your sorrows entirely, but it may help you see their edges more clearly.

On November 23rd, a Mercury cazimi helps you dislodge some of the more stubborn splinters or sorrows. There’s power in naming what presses on your heart — a way of defanging even the most venomous snakes.

The archer also walks that razor’s edge between tragedy and comedy. Sag season could see you offering belly laughs to the abyss, along with your quota of salt.

This all ties into a much longer detangling from the knots of resources you share with another. When a collaboration or deeply felt relationship runs its course, the material detritus is often the last to be shifted.

Trust in the falling away of these material tethers on December 3rd/4th, when the Sun goes dark in Sagittarius. Remember that debt (whether emotional or material) is not forever. There’s often the option to walk away.

The backdrop to this all is the subterranean roving of your chart ruler, Venus. The dismantling of your belief systems will connect you to a fount of deep inner wisdom. Like the Hermit’s lantern, this is a light that will never go out. Trust it.

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Gemini glyph

Gemini & Gemini Rising

The Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius on November 22nd brings warmth and levity to your closest relationships. For the next month, you’ll be lighting wildfires of mutual enthusiasm with your co-conspirators.

Enjoy this lighter interlude, as you will also be pulled by deeper questions around merging, intimacy, and sharing resources. Venus’ descent will unearth the bones of outstanding debts — material or emotional — in your most profound entanglements.

Perhaps a fragment of your soul remains vaulted with another, and it’s time to reclaim what is yours. The Sun in Sagittarius will remind you of what it means to bask in relationships that foster mutual growth, rather than leave you feeling drained, or small.

With the final Sagittarius eclipse on December 3rd/4th, you might feel called to hold space for the relationships that fell away during the past couple years. Though grief has its own half-life, these severances are sign posts of how far you’ve come. Those that could not walk beside you through your shapeshifting are left grasping the ghostly hems of your past selves. Their loss.

The Sun’s square to Neptune on December 11th/12th sees you seeking spiritual riches through the mirror of another. Remember the abundance that flows into your life when you trust the compass needle of your own soul. You deserve to be celebrated in the present tense.

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Cancer glyph

Cancer & Cancer Rising

As the Sun flares into Sagittarius, the cheerful syncopation of your work rhythms helps limber your body and soul. Your desk, drafting table, or yoga mat provide refuge through eclipse season and Venus’ roving through Hades.

Even if your approach to the daily grind has been shifting, ticking to-do’s off your list has always brought satisfaction. As a child of the Moon, you appreciate the scaffold a working routine provides for the tides of your emotions.

On November 28th, you may be struck with the vision of an inspired vessel to pour your hours into. Or perhaps this clarity has more to do with the hustle that’s no longer serving. You want to whistle as you work — not grind yourself into the ground.

With the last eclipse in Sagittarius on December 3rd/4th, whatever side-hustle no longer feels abundant, or whichever chores overtax you, may finally bottom out. Let it. This is a day best spent in simple meditation. Scrape the wax from your candle holders or sweep the dust from your workspace. Signal to cosmos the space that you’ve cleared.

Meanwhile, the sediment layers of your closest relationships (or ways of being in partnership) demand to be examined. Perhaps Sag season will help you surrender to the cracks that let the relational light in. Don’t be afraid to dismantle your barnacled suit of armor. Deeper commitment can be forged through vulnerability.

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Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

Sagittarius season has a way of filling up your dance card and pouncing on every sprig of mistletoe. There’s something about the pageantry of this time that sets off your gregarious nature. A few golden baubles and lashings of tinsel can’t hurt as you navigate the contractions of eclipse season.

In fact, November 28th is a bright patch indeed, as Mercury minces into the Sun’s private chambers. The arrows of epiphany will pierce your pleasure center, as you surrender to a current of delight.

Over the past 18 months, the people, places, and things that made you swoon lost some sparkle. Now, as we approach the final eclipse in Sagittarius, you reach the threshold of another garden. Trust that you have all the time in the world to prowl its hedge-mazes and nuzzle its heady blooms.

In astrology, the house of pleasure is also linked to our creations. On December 3rd/4th, the last eclipse in Sagittarius looses your fledgling masterpiece into the world. Though its wings may still feel scruffy, trust your creation to find its place within the cosmos’ threshing and looming. This letting go is the final master-stroke.

If the process of creation has been an area of shifting (and sometimes chaotic undoing), Venus’ descent into the forge of your chart may help you consolidate studier working rhythms. The muses are not as fickle as we think. They will cheerfully gather around the more mundane glow of hammer and tongs.

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Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

As the Sun canters into Sagittarius (and eclipse season’s rodeo), you find levity at home or among chosen family. With the archer presiding over your root systems, yule season has a way of coaxing out your goofy side.

That said, no amount of silliness will prevent you pulling off the holiday choreography with aplomb. The last sprig of holly will be placed on your centerpiece with tweezers, even as you crack up the fam. Bask in these pockets of warmth.

On November 28th, when Mercury and the Sun side-bar in Sagittarius, epiphanies may emerge from the well of family traditions. Braiding your life into arts, songs, and recipes, you unearth a sense of home that runs deeper than your floorboards. Or perhaps an inner sanctum is illumined that nothing can shift. Virgo is the priestess of self-sufficiency after all. When you carry a feeling of home deep inside, the rest falls into place.

On December 3rd/4th, the solar eclipse’s swan song in Sagittarius could see you withdraw from the domestic hullabaloo. A moment alone to whisper prayers to your ancestors will fortify you for the rest of the season.

If certain debaucheries have grown stale, trust that Venus retrograde will get to the marrow of your pleasure principle. It’s ok if phoning in ~that~ carol, or simply saying “no,” are the things that most delight you now.

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Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

The Sun in Sagittarius typically bedecks your daily life with more fun and frivolity. This season though, the final eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis tightens its starry lasso.

With the centaur presiding over your communications center, the realm of ideas is a place of play. You delight in lighting wildfires of intellectual audacity. All’s fair in love and good faith debate after all. However, with eclipses flickering the lights in this area, you may want to be careful about which emperors you casually point out have no clothes.

In fact, the corridors of your mental landscape have been under an intense process of renovation. On December 3rd/4th, polishing the brass of your candle holders to a gleam signals to the cosmos that you’re ready for new levels of mental brilliance.

As an extension of your mind, your immediate environs have been shifting too. Perhaps old haunts have started to hem you in. Your barista knows your order too well. On November 28th, changing your daily circuit could open you to revelations. Don’t hesitate to wander down a side street. A “hole in the wall” may create a portal to your next essay, blog post, or YouTube stream.

The backdrop to all this is the descent of your chart ruler through the catacombs of Capricorn. Torch light floods your most intimate cave systems. A seam of gold glimmers within your ancestral root system. Perhaps it’s time to get a head start on your family memoirs.

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Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

As you pull a lightbulb chain in your store closet, Sagittarius season has you taking inventory of your survivalist stash.

Take the time to meditate on what exactly you need to warm your belly and satiate your soul. A care package to yourself may be in order through the contractions of eclipse season. (Or a second helping of whatever sweetness you crave.)

Though unyielding in some ways, Scorpio understands that currency is a thing that flows. Still, there’s been a lot to unravel over the past 18 months when it comes to material security. Like the tarot’s Hanged Man, you’ve been called to meditate serenely as coins clatter from your pockets.

On December 3rd/4th, you may feel called to do some last pruning of your possessions. Whatever no longer makes your soul leap will be permitted to flow somewhere else. The alchemy of one person’s junk into another’s treasure is magic you know too well. Trust it.

Meanwhile, Venus continues its descent into the gullies and ravines of Capricorn. You may be called to exhume ~that~ text or DM thread. Or you note the aftertaste of loss that informs the nostalgia and forced cheer of yule days.

You’ll be undergoing your own metamorphosis in the coming year. Where you can, stock up on the rest, creature comforts, and delights that make you feel a little lighter.

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Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius heralds your season. However, you may be pulled into moments of deeper reverie between the toasts and sparkle of yule gatherings. Though you auto-pilot through the usual wise-cracks and pranks, your gaze is drawn to the middle-distance. A quest beckons from the radiant unknown.

The eclipse series in Sagittarius and Gemini came in like a wrecking ball, and you may feel a bit tender. With every nesting doll that was loosened, a purer distillate of You emerged. Moving through the world with less friction, you now find yourself at the threshold of a personal renaissance. Where will you direct your inner compass needle?

On November 28th, when Mercury minces into the Sun’s throne room for debriefing, you find golden arrows of inspiration. Perhaps a path forward emerges. You locate the current you’d like to slip your soul’s lithe canoe into.

Trusting wind patterns and the spray of starry maps above, the last eclipse in Sagittarius on December 3rd/4th will provide a moment of orientation and last farewells. Even as the swells of deep feels move through you, you are on your way.

As the Sun squares Neptune on December 11th/12th, you grasp for a sense of anchorage that eludes you just then. A deep fount of ancestral songs, stories, recipes, and arts helps steady the rudder of your ship. Allow your ancestors their rightful place between the cedar boughs of your altar.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

As the Sun blazes into Sagittarius, you will be shoehorning power naps into the glitz of the season. The softer glow from your bedside lamp or candlelit bath is more your speed in the days of yule. Venus retrograde’s excavation of your essential self can be a vulnerable process. Lean into your solo-time.

November 28th is a particularly auspicious day for repose, as Mercury presses its ear to the luminary’s lips. Make sure to keep a notebook and pen on your bedside table. Revelations could emerge from the blurry threshold between waking and sleeping, or the drift of the mind on auto-pilot.

In fact, the past 18 months have seen a great unwinding in your private life. With the archer presiding over your chart’s hiddenmost chambers, rest is the tonic that renews your faith and optimism. Few see your more mischievous side — the panpipes and deadpan sense of humor. Remember that a well rested Capricorn is a merry one.

December 3rd/4th will bring the last solar eclipse for a long time in Sagittarius. If there’s a day to give the festive shenanigans the slip — it’s this one. Take some time to greet the ghosts of eclipses past. The worries that pry you from your sleep can be named and bid farewell in the same breath.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

As the Sun throws a yule log in the hearth of Sagittarius, you will be primed for some festive schmoozing. With the centaur reigning over your house of community, your sunnier side is unleashed when working a crowd.

Perhaps you’re the person handing out laminated carols, or listing elaborate “secret present” rules of engagement. There’s something about the communal yule rituals that restore your faith and soften your Saturnian edges.

There’s a slight tension to this holiday season, however. As you flit between engagements, you may be reminded of a longer unraveling in your networks over the past 18 months. The Sun will illuminate the people whose presence you bask in, and the ones who actually dim your wattage. Let the latter flicker out from your social circuit board.

On November 28th, as Mercury sashays into the Sun’s inner sanctum, conversations with friends spark a revelation or two. As you mingle, keep your ears peeled for the offhand remark that recalibrates your hopes for the future. If there’s a dream you yearn to share, proclaiming it to an audience could radiate its light over the collective.

December 3rd/4th will see the last sonata played in eclipses through Sagittarius. It may be wise to flip the breaker switch on the festivities for a night. With Venus still roving the deepest ravines of your psyche, a night of rest and reflection is the tonic you need.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

Pisces glyph

Pisces & Pisces Rising

As the Sun flames into Sagittarius, your thoughts turn to ambitions above the treeline. For the past 18 months, a vocational path or two may have diverged from the main trail. Whatever career pursuits dwindled into bracken were never meant to support the generosity of your imagination.

Trust the life direction that fills you with mingled awe and uncertainty. Allow yourself to be pulled by the bells of the sublime.

However, with all the professional space you cleared, you may be temporarily dazzled. Allow yourself to surrender to the dislocation of this moment. Take the space you need from the social pressure of the season. Leave them wanting more.

Venus retrograde continues to sift through the bedrock of your communities, after all. As your public roles have been shape-shifting, so too has your place in your networks. Pigeon-holes can be tight quarters. It’s particularly frustrating when an old public persona precedes you.

Know that your audience will catch up to your growth spurt in time. Boundaries will be your besties this yule season.

On November 28th, the cavalry come at last, as Mercury and the Sun meet for a secret counsel. Simply proclaiming your deepest career desires into thin air could help make them manifest. December 3rd/4th will be a day to plunge your inner fathoms as well.

As the last eclipse dawns in Sagittarius, tell the “you” of ten years ago how far you’ve come. Bask in their bewilderment.

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You can find and read your horoscopes for the current astrology here!

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The Aries zodiac glyph.

Aries & Aries Rising

The Taurus zodiac glyph.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The Gemini zodiac glyph.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

The Cancer zodiac glyph.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

The Leo zodiac glyph.

Leo & Leo Rising

The Virgo zodiac glyph.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

The Libra zodiac glyph.

libra & libra Rising

The Scorpio zodiac glyph.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The Sagittarius zodiac glyph.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The Capricorn zodiac glyph.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The Aquarius zodiac glyph.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

The Pisces zodiac glyph.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Half-tone print of the planet Saturn.

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